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How To Be a MoHotmess (Responsibly)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.


MoHotmess \mau̇-ˈhät-’mes\ n 1. a beautiful, intelligent Mount Holyoke student who, on occasion, gets a little cray

Okay, let’s get things straight: this is college. You go to Mount Holyoke. There’s a good chance you’re going to party… you know, with alcohol. But you can party without being a party animal, and you can have fun without potentially ruining your life. We at HerCampus don’t endorse underage drinking, but it certainly happens, which makes it all the more important that you’re well-informed and capable of making smart choices. Here are just three tips to save yourself for when you ball a little too hard:

1. Have a going-out squad you can trust


This is ESPECIALLY important if you’re going off-campus, and absolutely crucial if it’s your first time going somewhere new. It’s hard to know who to trust, and even harder if you’re under the influence. Set parameters beforehand: if you’re looking to go home with someone, let them know and keep in contact with each other. If you see a friend who’s visibly uncomfortable, swoop in for the rescue, keeping faith that they’d do the same for you. Even at our own events (looking at you, Chapin) there are scumbag sharks trying to prey on unsuspecting MoHos. Make friends with like-minded people you can trust, look out for each other, and party on.

2. Don’t be too much of actual mess


Our housekeepers work so hard every week yanking our nasty hair out of the sink and cleaning out the remains of our worst burnt -popcorn incidents. Don’t make their job any harder. If you’re gonna hurl, have a bag or toilet at the ready, and barf into it. Puking over the edge of the toilet seat doesn’t count as making it. And if you make a mess, please clean it up. This counts for friends’ rooms too: if they’re being nice enough to house your sorry state, maybe apologize for eating all their Easy Mac and sick-burping all through the night.

3. Learn your limits


I repeat: LEARN. YOUR. LIMITS. I have too many friends who claim not to be lightweights, have one drink, and suddenly are rolling on the floor screaming along to some Kesha. Take it from me: blackouts are terrifying, and hangovers are hell. Drink water throughout the night, keep track of how much you and your friends have had, and wait for your last drink to hit you before going at another.

If you ever run into any trouble, there are tons of resources on and off campus for you to get help. Your CA is trained to take care of you and can offer advice and additional help. The health center has seen a million cases like yours and will not be a source of judgement. And if need be, Campo and MERT are a phone call away. Take care of yourself and may the spirit of Mary Lyon be partying right along with you.

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Jessica Noe

Mt Holyoke

Jess Noé was born and raised at the Jersey Shore (not the one seen on TV.) A sophomore at MHC, she is studying English, journalism, media and broadcast. Along with writing for Her Campus, she hosts a radio show for WMHC, where she would LIKE to play "Burnin' Up" by the Jonas Brothers on repeat for the entirety of her two-hour weekly show, but sadly, she is very much not allowed to do so. Jess hopes to someday own a private beach, where she will live with her many, many dogs and her husband, Zayn Malik. While writing this bio, she saw a spider, screamed, and retreated to another room. She is terribly afraid of bugs.
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.