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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

The scariest thing this spooky season has been how Halloween seems to have come and gone in a flash! I can’t believe it’s already November, meaning it’s time to let Halloween go…. or maybe not. Instead of lamenting over the fact that Halloween is over, just keep the spooky season going, at least for one more weekend. Here is a list of how to do just that:


1. Watch Scary Movies


Whether you love scary movies or hate them, this is the perfect thing to keep up the Halloween spirit. Your scary movie can be anything from Alice in Wonderland to Coraline to The Conjuring. Everyone has different levels of scariness that they can handle. I suggest making a cohesive list of all Halloween movies, grabbing your friends and popcorn, and going to the bathroom, because once you start one movie you won’t want to leave until you finish your whole list. 


2. Keep Your Halloween Decorations Up


The best way to keep up the Halloween feeling is by being surrounded by all the spooky decor. Halloween was on a Thursday this year, so what are the chances that you took down your decorations already? I say just leave them up, at least for a little while longer. And with Thanksgiving just around the corner, your pumpkins are still on trend! 


3. Start Planning for Next Year


Always look forward! That’s a common saying, and very applicable in this situation. One great way to get over the Halloween slump is by planning for the next Halloween. That can mean planning your costume, decorations, a party or a haunted house. Whatever you end up doing, you’re keeping the Halloween spirit going and that’s what counts. Just keep counting down the days until next year and time will fly by. 


Hopefully these three suggestions help to get you out of your post-Halloween sadness!



If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email hc.mtholyoke@hercampus.com.

Michaela Phelan

Mt Holyoke '22

I am an International Relations major who just really likes to read, listen to music, and watch tv.
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.