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Campus Cutie: Michaela Schwartz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Class Year: 2013

Hometown: Brookline, MA

Major: Self-Designed Major in Human Sexuality

Relationship Status: Committed

Personal Interests: Knitting, Thrifting, A Cappella, Crafting, Sexual Health Education, Burt’s Bees, My Bed

What I Look for in a significant other: They definitely need to be goofy. If I can’t be my regular, silly self around someone, there’s no way it will work. Plus they have to be good at cuddling.

What makes Michaela Michaela: My lack of inhibitions…I’m super spontaneous and usually will do things without considering what everyone will think about me. I’m basically a huge goofball.

Where you can be found on a Friday night: Performing with the M&Cs (my a cappella group), watching a movie in bed, hanging with my partner at Hampshire, or wandering around Northampton.

Pet Peeves: The sound of people clipping their nails and greasy hair.

Hidden Talent: I give decent haircuts (for free!)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I’ll hopefully be a fairly well-established, well-traveled sex therapist with a cute little

Sophie Jasinski is a sophomore English major and Arts and Society minor at Mount Holyoke College. Originally from North Jersey, she spends most of her time in New York City. When Sophie isn’t studying in the library she loves to dance ballet, drink chai lattes, dig through vintage clothes, hang out with friends, and play tennis. Sophie is also a staff writer for the Mount Holyoke News. Last summer, Sophie interned with Donna Karan and hopes to intern for a fashion magazine in New York this summer. Sophie aspires to be the next Anna Wintour. Watch out world!!