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Campus Cutie: Cassidy Bommer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Class year: 2013

Hometown: South Orange, NJ

Major: Biology and I’m hopefully designing a double major in Global Health

Relationship status: Taken

Personal Interests: I’m a huge nerd, and I love reading (especially at the Bookmill in Montague), working in my biology lab, going to museums, etc. I also can’t live without music, so a lot of my time is spent rehearsing/performing with the M&Cs, the a cappella group I’m in.

What you look for in a significant other: Someone who knows how to cuddle. Period. But in all seriousness, I’m a pretty picky person, so if I enjoy spending more than a few hours at a time with someone, it’s usually a good sign. Other than that, I think what matters the most is finding someone that makes me smile and loves me no matter what.

What makes Cassidy Cassidy: I absolutely hate chocolate. Most people call me crazy, but it definitely makes me pretty unique.

Where you can you be found on a Friday night: Usually in Northampton, eating sushi at Zen, making a quick stop into Urban Outfitters to browse and then heading to a show at Pearl Street or the Iron Horse. My favorites this semester have been Tallest Man on Earth and Hanson (a once-in-a-lifetime chance to reconnect with my 3rd grade, overall-wearing self).

Pet peeves: people who think they have nothing left to learn

Favorite past time: I’m really partial to spooning.

Hidden Talent: I can make a three-leaf clover with my tongue!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hmm… about to hit 30? Hopefully I’ll be with someone I really love (and maybe I’ll have a kid or two in tow). Job-wise, I want to be in my residency at a hospital or working in another healthcare-related field. I think a lot of the “what” is still up for discussion these days.

Sophie Jasinski is a sophomore English major and Arts and Society minor at Mount Holyoke College. Originally from North Jersey, she spends most of her time in New York City. When Sophie isn’t studying in the library she loves to dance ballet, drink chai lattes, dig through vintage clothes, hang out with friends, and play tennis. Sophie is also a staff writer for the Mount Holyoke News. Last summer, Sophie interned with Donna Karan and hopes to intern for a fashion magazine in New York this summer. Sophie aspires to be the next Anna Wintour. Watch out world!!