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Campus Celebrity: Jennifer Walsh

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

She’s responsible for finding celebs and cuties all over our campus, this week we interviewed our very own Jennifer Walsh for Campus Celebrity:

Name: Jennifer Walsh

Class Year: 2012 

Hometown: Wayland MA

Major: Anthropology

Minor: Educational Studies

Why did you choose to attend Mount Holyoke:
You know when a place just feels right? That is how I felt when I first came to Moho in the Spring of 2009 when I was applying as a transfer student from my first college, I just felt like I belonged here.

How are you involved on campus:
I work for Residential Life as one of the Hall Advisor for Safford Hall. I am an active member of Diversions A Cappella. I also work for the Anthropology Department as both a Department Liasons as well as a work-study student.

What is your favorite part about working on Residential Life:
This is my fifth semester working for Res.Life and what I love most about my job is community building. I am able to work with my residents in many ways both as a academic advisor but also as someone that can facilitate activities that my residents are interested in, like programing.

What are a few exciting things planned for this year:
I only have a few more months at Mount Holyoke (crazy!) as I graduate in December so my current Hall Committee is hoping to have a few crafty programs that are both educational and fun. We are co-hosting with the EcoReps a mug decorating program for evening M&C’s and learning about the importance of reusable containers while personalizing them.

Where are we most likely to find you on a Saturday night?
Around campus or the pioneer valley with friends!

How do you procrastinate best? 
Online web surfing, watching movies or simply sleeping.

Who are your role models?
I would have to say I only really have one role model and that is my grandfather. He is my biggest inspiration and is the driving force of encouragement that keeps me working so hard at everything I do. 

What are your biggest dreams and goals for the future?
I hope to advocate for students with learning disabilities as a Special Education Attorney.

Sophie Jasinski is a sophomore English major and Arts and Society minor at Mount Holyoke College. Originally from North Jersey, she spends most of her time in New York City. When Sophie isn’t studying in the library she loves to dance ballet, drink chai lattes, dig through vintage clothes, hang out with friends, and play tennis. Sophie is also a staff writer for the Mount Holyoke News. Last summer, Sophie interned with Donna Karan and hopes to intern for a fashion magazine in New York this summer. Sophie aspires to be the next Anna Wintour. Watch out world!!