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Campus Celeb: Maneh Kotikian

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Maneh Kotikian
Class of 2015
Hometown: Concord, MA
Geology major

Maneh won first place in the walk/trot division for MHC Hunt Seat Equestrian Team this past weekend at our home show!

How long have you been riding? For exactly a year

How did it feel to win first place in your first Hunt Seat show?

It felt good to win walk trot, I was a little surprised actually since I haven’t been riding hunt seat for too long and since it was my first time showing for this team.

What made you consider trying out for Hunter Seat in addition to Western?

My teammates and coach encouraged me to try out, and I also wanted to see what another type of riding is like. Also, one more team means more riding time!

How in the world do you manage being on two teams at once?

Being on two teams really isn’t all that bad! I love being at the barn, so it doesn’t trouble me at all. I have been on a sports team for every season from 6th grade until 12th so I’ve learned how to manage my time.

What are some of your favorite things about riding and being a MHC student athlete?

My favorite part about riding at MHC is spending time with all the different horses and learning their quirks. They all have such fun personalities.

Favorite part of being a MHC student athlete:

They open the dining halls early before shows so we can eat some food!

Describe your ideal pony.

My ideal pony is Viktor. If I had to describe a pony, it would be him. He is a bit stubborn, not a robot, and really cute and snuggely. However, my ideal pony would’t drag me across the isles whenever he saw any trace of food!

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Sin Than

Mt Holyoke

Hello!!I'm Phyu-Sin, co-EIC of Her Campus Mt. Holyoke. Come to me with any concerns, questions, or comments, and my doors will always be open to you.
Elizabeth is a sophmore at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts and is studying Politics and Journalism. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, she enjoys reading, dancing, running, dessert, and her summer job as a windsurfing instructor on Lake Michigan.