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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate small successes and good moments, so I compiled a list of  ten things that put a smile on my face this week. I hope some of these small pleasures will make you happy too. 


Listening to holiday music for the first time this year

Some may say it’s too early, but I place myself solidly in camp “Halloween is over, let’s get jolly.” If you love the holiday season as much as I do, I highly suggest listening to some holiday jams. I personally love all of the Arianna Grande Christmas albums and all the holiday classics, of course. Even if you are in a completely un-festive location, i.e. the Golden Pear where we sang “Let It Snow” at the top of our lungs. 


The uncut versions of the Harry Potter movies on YoutubeTV 

I made an incredible discovery this past Monday. YoutubeTV has the uncut versions of the Harry Potter movies!! They include all the scenes that were filmed and eventually cut for length or storyline. It’s so fun to see new scenes! The Chamber of Secrets is four hours long. Yes, you heard me right. Talk about extra magic. 


Having a self care night 

Sometimes you need to stay in for the night. And that’s valid. One of my favorite things to do is have a cup of tea and watch Netflix or read a book. Right now I’m reading “Where the Crawdads Sing”, which is great so far. 


Having a coffee study date 

Is anyone else 100% more productive in coffee shops? Some mixture of the extra caffeine and the atmosphere is so motivating for me, whether it be studying or just checking things off my to-do list. 


Getting gifts for my family 

Thinking of the perfect thing to get someone is one of my favorite things to do (hopefully I’m not the only one). 


Jeffree Star X Shane Dawson Series 

As someone who watches a lot of YouTube and is fascinated by the makeup industry, I watched this whole series in three days. It’s interesting, has a unique perspective on the business, and is very addictive. 



Getting myself something nice (and practical) 

I’m trying to shy away from assigning happiness to material things, but having a treat-yourself moment is always well deserved. Finding something that is practical but still makes me excited to get it in the mail is a happy medium. 


Trying something out of my comfort zone 

This one is cheesy, but I love the feeling after you have accomplished something that you were a little scared to do. I had an audition this weekend that I wasn’t even sure I was going to go to, but deciding to go and felt so accomplished after. 


Every dog that I saw 

This one does not need elaboration. 



Watching old home movies 

I can’t remember the last time I watched my family’s old home movies (probably because they are on a handheld video camera which is incompatible with modern technology). I know it has been said before, but getting back happy little memories you forgot about is a great feeling.  


Cheers to life’s little pleasures. 


XOXO, Bella 


Images: X X X X X


If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email hc.holyoke@hercampus.com.  

Isabella LoRe

Mt Holyoke '23

Hi! I'm Bella, a first year at Mount Holyoke College. I love fashion, documenting my life on my Youtube channel, and crafting obnoxiously complicated coffee orders (sorry baristas).
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.