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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Ahhh, my favorite holiday is just in a few weeks! Halloween, to most, is about trick or treating, the bowls of candy, carving pumpkins and decorating the house. But for me, there is a special connection between this holiday and me. It awakens me, and I feel more in my skin. 

During Autumn, I tend to feel the wind’s cool chill but with a mix of magic in the air! A sense that things are lurking around the corner. A spooky rush excites me to seek adventure in uncovering spirits’ whereabouts. During this season, I enjoy ghost hunting, reading about the paranormal, dabbling in Wicca and seeking to see what’s on the other side. I, in fact, created a whole day in high school called Corpse Day, which was celebrated on the 13 of Oct. It was a day when my friends and I would wear all black as a sign to welcome and respect the spirits who were crossing over for Halloween the next day. I have continued to do this tradition up until now. 

However, Halloween is also when you can be anybody you want and there’s no judgment. So it’s acceptable to look different than an ordinary person. Personally, I have always been perceived as different based on my looks. Though other people’s opinions don’t bother me that much, I feel somewhat more connected to society based on the notion that Halloween is a no-judgment zone. I feel more comfortable walking around and not getting so many staring looks. So overall, it’s an accepting holiday to me rather than a celebrating day. 

Surprisingly, I disliked Halloween as a kid because I was scared of the dark, monster costumes, candy wasn’t my thing and so on. But as an adult, I have found an understanding for the holiday, made it my own and it feels comforting to know it’s very close! Happy Halloween!

Holley is currently a senior at Montclair State University; she majors in English and minors in Business. Her wish is to pursue a career in music marketing. Holley thinks writing is a way to heal oneself and inspire others. Besides writing, she likes catching up on social media and reading graphic novels.