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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

In the town of Vonsiera, once a year, when the leaves run red, and the quick brisk wind rattles the trees. The citizens screech in horror, for they know a dangerous night is upon them. 

As some people in our world fear zombies, vampires and other creatures of the night. The town of Vonsiera fears the Venom Snakes. Human-like snakes that walk on two legs, with green scales shimmering their body with long black tails with claws that are longer than an eagle’s and are used to tear their prey to shreds with only one cut. They also wear protected heated armor made of Vonsiera’s toughest metal, refrontanium. 

On a day near Halloween, the Venom Snakes like to come out from the shadows of the forest surrounding the town and stalk the town’s citizens, lusting for their blood. In years past, they have easily slipped past the town’s fortress defenses, murdered multiple people and left the victim’s heads behind. Even though the town’s defenses improve greatly every year, that never stops the Venom Snakes. 

For a few years, this has gone on, and as the years go by, the town has been dwindling. The population of Vonsiera at one point was in the thousands and full of life and happiness. But now it’s at a population of a hundred and all men. No woman or children under five shall live in Vonsiera until the dreaded creatures are gone once and for all. 

Several men from the town have tried to claim fame by promising to win this battle against the Venom Snakes. Instead they have ended up dying with their heads on a steak in the morning. It has been a deadly struggle against these night demons, but who will be their savior, or will the town be lost forever? 

Finally, a nine-year-old lad named Oggie wanted to take a stab at killing these monsters. Oggie knows of the past trials and errors and thinks he could outsmart them. Most of the men believe Oggie is dumb due to his past incidents at the fighting camp and killing some people when practicing, but what do the people of Vonsiera have to lose at this point? 

With little faith, the townspeople have, they ask the young boy about his plan. Oggie instructs the men to empty their freeze rooms tonight and put out buckets to collect rain, then in the morning, put the rain-filled buckets in the freeze rooms. The following day Oggie will come to each of their houses and enchant the ice. 

Little is known about Oggie throughout the town, but he arrived at age seven and was sent by his parents to volunteer to fight the Venom Snakes. However, Oggie’s parents just so happen to be powerful sorcerers, and his parents trained Oggie on how to use magic before he left for training camp. Before he left, Oggie was told never to use his powers because it was illegal at the time to announce he could do magic. Since Oggie arrived, things and circumstances have changed, and using magic has become legal and Oggie is ready to use his powers for good. 

The town’s men had followed Oggie’s instructions, and the day had come for Oggie to enchant. Oggie had enchanted the ice to freeze the hearts of the Venom Snakes upon scale contact. If you don’t know, snakes cannot live in severely cold temperatures. Once all the enchanting was finished, the men questioned Oggie’s sorcery and strength, but they crossed their fingers in hopes not to be dead and their wives to find their bloody heads on the ground. 

Finally, the day had come for the Venom Snakes to attack. They slither and stomp their way to the town, full of excitement and hunger. While inside the town, the men of Vonsiera huddle in the middle to devise a plan. The plan was once the Venom Snakes entered the town, they would throw hundreds of medium-sized dense ice balls from their homes at the killers in hopes of freezing their hearts and then leap down to secure the final blow with their swords. 

Everyone was in position when the Venom Snakes appeared. Oggie was the one to call the attack, and once called, the air was full of ice balls raining down upon the enemy. The scene looked like stalactites from an ice cave falling as the cave collapsed. The Venom Snakes tried their best to run from the ice balls, but as Oggie had hoped, one by one, a Venom Snake had fallen to their doom. Oggie and the men killed about 150 Venom Snakes that day, and since then, the Venom Snakes have never dared to lust for blood in Vonsiera. 

Freedom from the threat of the Venom Snakes, the people of Vonsiera could come back together and live happily and merrily. They also elected a new ruler of Vonsiera, which was Oggie. Yes, he’s young, but he showed great strength and power to protect the town and shaped himself into a powerful leader.  All hail Oggie, and may he reign forever more!

Holley is currently a senior at Montclair State University; she majors in English and minors in Business. Her wish is to pursue a career in music marketing. Holley thinks writing is a way to heal oneself and inspire others. Besides writing, she likes catching up on social media and reading graphic novels.