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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

By Hailey Mayewski

Here we are at the end of the semester, but if you are anything like me, it can be difficult to relax. Here are my 10 tips on how to destress and calm down after a busy semester. 

  1. Take A Rest Day:

Begin the summer by setting aside an entire day or two to literally do nothing (if possible). Plan to just sleep and relax the entire day. This will help kick off the relaxation. 

  1. Pamper Yourself:

Treat yourself to a spa day. Get your nails and hair done and use that time to relax and focus on the fun ahead of you. 

  1. Get A New Hairstyle:

Sometimes at the salon it can be fun to do something totally different for summer. Maybe get a new style or add some color? This helps add a physical change which allows you to disconnect from the stresses of the past semester. 

  1. Go For A Walk:

I know this is obvious, but spending more time outside, especially in the nice, warm weather. It’s sure to ease your mind and help you relax. It clears your head and opens it for new adventures. 

  1. Get A Massage:

I have never gotten an actual full body massage, however I am planning on treating myself to one at the end of this semester. All of the stress and worry can make a person so stiff and uncomfortable, so a massage is the perfect way to combat that and relax. 

  1. Buy Yourself Something:

Big or small, buying something for yourself is so rewarding. Of course retail therapy is not always the best solution, but a little can’t hurt.

  1. Catch Up With Loved Ones:

Whether you dorm at school or commute, it can be hard to make enough time to visit those you care about. Take this time to visit family members, friends, old teachers and even pets. 

  1. Clean:

Cleaning can be so relaxing. As a commuter, I love to clean and rearrange my room after the semester. It makes it feel different and also seems as if I’m “washing away” the stresses of the school year.

  1. Find A New Hobby:

During the busy semester it can be hard to find time to find and participate in a new hobby. The end of the semester is the perfect time to try one out and destress. 

  1. Do Something Fun:

Go to an amusement park, take a beach trip, taste test a bunch of ice cream, etc. Bottom line is, do what makes you happy and all your school related stresses will ease away. 

Have a great and RELAXING summer!  

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Hailey Mayewski

Montclair '23

Hailey Mayewski is a Junior, journalism major at Montclair State University. She is excited to be a new member of Her Campus Montclair.