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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

By the time finals end and a feeling of holiday, festivity begins to linger, the need to cozy up with a mug of hot chocolate and a good show is very needed. Here are some classic and feel-good holiday-themed television episodes to stream during this time of the year: 

“The 23rd”, New Girl (Season 1, Episode 9) 

  • In this episode of New Girl, we see the cast navigating their different Christmas plans. Schmidt finally stands up for himself at his job after being forced to dress up like “Sexy Santa” for their Christmas party, Winston books his first nanny job, and one of the very classic “will they, won’t they” moments between Nick and Jess.

“Christmas Party”, The Office (Season 2, Episode 10) 

  • In this classic Christmas episode, the Dunder Mifflin office celebrates its first Christmas party. In true Michael fashion, he’s excessive regarding Secret Santa gifts. While the budget is only $20, he ends up spending $400 on a gift for Ryan. During this episode, we are given the iconic teapot scene between Jim and Pam, Dwight and his seriously-taken elf role, and one of Michael’s many iconic lines: “Happy Birthday Jesus! Sorry, your party’s so lame”.

“The Bracebridge Dinner”, Gilmore Girls (Season 2, Episode 10)

  • Whenever I think of “holiday episodes” my mind always goes right to Gilmore Girls. When the holiday convention booked for guests at the inn gets stranded in Boston by a major snowstorm, Lorelai and Sookie invite their family and friends to enjoy what they had planned for the convention instead. This includes a seven-course Old English dinner and horse-drawn sleigh rides.

“Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas”, Community (Season 2, Episode 11) 

  • In this episode of Community, Abed wakes up to find his entire world has transformed into stop-motion animation. He interprets that he, Professor Duncan, and the study group must rediscover the true meaning of Christmas. This quest of discovery leads to a series of surreal and hilarious Christmas-themed scenarios they navigate through in this new stop-motion animated reality. 

“The Old Man & the Tree”, Modern Family (Season 5, Episode 10) 

  • In this episode, we watched the three different families navigate through yet another holiday season. Phil is trying to uphold his New Year’s resolution to walk the distance from his house to Canada on last year’s elliptical Christmas gift. Luke is adamant about helping his dad reach this very outrageous goal. Haley and Alex try to work together moving Haley’s side of the room into the basement. Jay attempts to teach Manny the importance of a “traditional” Christmas, while Gloria tries to make it through the holiday season with a visit from her mother. Cam and Mitch try to keep their holiday as calm as they can before they forget Lily’s only Christmas request.

Just like us, TV characters know how to celebrate the holidays in the most chaotic ways possible. Enjoy watching these festive episodes to get in the holiday spirit. Happy holidays!

Joanna Vonzwehl is a sophomore at Montclair State University, she is double majoring in Psychology and Justice Studies w/ a concentration in Criminal Justice and minoring in Child Advocacy and Policy. Her hobbies include: reading, crocheting, going to concerts, and spending time with friends and family. She is very excited to join Her Campus Montclair and put her work out there as a contributing writer!!