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Small Acts Of Kindness You Can Incorporate Into Your Everyday Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Someone once told me you should incorporate at least one act of kindness into your everyday life. That way at the end of the day you can say that even if you got nothing else done, you still did one good thing. We all get caught up in the chaos of our lives and forget to slow down and smell the roses. Life is right now – and right now, your best friend, neighbor or colleague might appreciate a kind gesture. Small acts of kindness can go a long way to make others feel seen and appreciated. Here are some acts of kindness you can incorporate into your everyday life. Remember, kindness is easy!

  1. Compliment someone’s outfit: If you’re anything like me, you admire other people’s outfits and senses of style. Let someone know you like their outfit today! It will give them the boost of confidence we could all use!
  2. Leave a generous tip: If you’ve worked in the service industry before like me, you know how much tips are appreciated. They can go a long way! Let someone know you appreciate their hard work by leaving them a generous tip.
  3. Treat somebody: Whether it’s your friend, your roommate, your parents or the person standing behind you in the Starbucks line. Why not treat somebody to something small today? This small gesture could make their whole day.
  4. Leave a positive review online for a small business you love: I promise – small business owners check their online reviews, and they greatly appreciate when people leave kind ones. Who knows, your online review could help them get more business! And why not compliment the places we love?!
  5. Reach out to an old friend: How fun would it be for an old friend of yours to hear from you today? More than anything, they will appreciate you were thinking of them. So send a text or phone call out to someone you’ve lost touch with! It’s easier than you might think.
  6. Be kind to the Earth: Pick up any trash you see on the ground, and make sure you recycle your own stuff properly. The Earth will say thank you! :)
  7. Treat yourself: Most importantly, make sure you’re kind to yourself. Buy yourself those shoes you’ve been wanting, or treat yourself to a night off with a face mask and Netflix. You deserve it!

2022 is about kindness, positivity and light, so let’s make each day a little special. It costs $0 to be a kind person, and it adds a little extra light to all of our lives!

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Emma Barber

Montclair '23

Emma is a senior at Montclair State University, studying Social Media & Public Relations and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies.