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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Name: William Ruff

Year: Sophomore

Major: B.F.A Musical Theatre

Hometown: Harrison, NJ

Collegiettes, meet William Ruff! Will is a sophomore at Montclair State University and is a musical theatre major. Will is well known on campus because he is super friendly and he is always at events being the life of the party. His favorite type of music is show tunes and old school R&B. Being a musical theatre major can be a lot work and it keeps Will busy, but he always finds time to practice, work, and volunteer. Will tells HC Montclair, “I spend my spare time practicing dance and music, working out at Montclair State Univeristy’s recreation center, taking classes, volunteering on campus whenever needed, and spending time with family and friends”. Will is very talented and he tells us that in addition to all of this, he can also make a good pancake!

Out of all the majors offered at Montclair State University, Will chose musical theatre. When asked why he chose musical theatre, Will said, “I was born with this talent and it is something I strive to pursue. Every student’s goal in college is to get a job once they graduate. So, why not fight and work hard for a job that you want to spend the rest of your life doing”.  Although Will is only a sophomore, he knows exactly what he wants to do when he gets older, he wants to perform as much as he can and eventually find new talent no matter what their age is because he believes that talent doesn’t have an age limit. “When I get older, I want to perform as much as I can. After that, I want to work for a big time casting agency and work my way up in the industry. Possibly have a company of my own one day. In addition, I want to search for fresh talent, both young and old. I want to help those who really do not come from much, but have the talent to make it in the industry”. These are many goals to accomplish, but Will has a plan. Will says that he will work hard in school and after school and that he isn’t afraid to meet new people. Will says that he will knock on doors knowing that some may close in his face, but he is determined and nothing will stop him!

Will gets much of his support from his mother and he says, “My mother is my biggest supporter. She is a single-mother who takes care, loves, and fights for her three boys. Even through the worst times, she keeps her head held high, because she knows better days are on its way”. He knows that having his mother by his side will allow him to accomplish anything. HC Montclair has faith in you, Will! Everyone watch out for Will Ruff, he will be coming to a stage near you!

Jennifer is a Feature Writer for Her Campus Montclair and a junior at Montclair State University. Jennifer is majoring in nutrition with a concentration in dietetics with a biology minor. She absolutely loves to write and dance and enjoys expressing her creativity through writing and dancing! She recently began practicing yoga and she loves it very much. Jennifer hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and one day write for a health & fitness magazine. Health is very important to Jennifer and she wants to share her love of health and fitness with the world!