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Love At First Sight: In Love With the Moment, or in Love With the Girl?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Love at first sight – we see and hear about it all the time in film, on television, in books and in music. It’s a beautiful idea that is constantly fed to people all throughout their lives, but just how realistic is it?

As a person who originally saw love at first sight as nothing more than a myth, it wasn’t until I experienced it for myself that something became clear to me. Whenever I told people my story and tried to explain how it felt to instantly fall in love with a complete stranger, the majority of them just could not understand how it was possible and looked at me as if I were crazy. Maybe I was! Of course, I understood how crazy it sounded, but I felt it and I knew it was real, I just didn’t know how to explain it.

After being met with the same response over and over again, I began to wonder if there were ANY hopeless romantics left in my generation, or worse, if love was dead. Does no one have faith anymore? I became extremely curious as to how many people in my generation actually believe in love at first sight or have experienced it in their lifetime. So, I asked around to try to find out the answer to the question at hand – does love at first sight really exist, or is it just good timing, a pretty face and the perfect music playing in the background?

“I don’t believe in love at first sight because you’re just falling in love with their looks, not their personality. You don’t know them, and I’m not even sure if I believe in love. How can you love someone for the rest of your life, you know? Everyone gets bored eventually.” – Brittany, 19, NJ

“I don’t really think love at first sight exists. People are naturally romantic and WANT it to be real. I think movies and TV make a huge deal out of it, but I don’t think you can possibly love somebody that quickly. I do believe in energies and vibes, but to truly say you love somebody you have to know them inside and out.” – David, 21, Birmingham UK

“I believe in it because someone might be exactly what you’re looking for looks-wise, but then later when you get to know them, they might not be the exact person that you’re looking for and they might not be what you want.” – Jason, 22, PA

“I definitely do. This weekend is my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend, and I knew from the moment that I met him that he was the one for me. There is a certain fiery feeling that only love can light in the core of your soul and I think that whether you acknowledge it or not, it’s real.” – Nathan, 22, ME

“Love at first sight is something that is tricky, but yes I believe in it. Even though it’s rare, I believe that it comes true for people. My parents’ story is one of love at first sight, at least for my father. He saw my mother at his older brothers birthday party and instantly wanted to talk to her. He didn’t stop until my mother agreed to go on a date and they’re going to have their 25th wedding anniversary next year. Love is so beautiful and amazing, it is the one thing I believe that in life you cannot live without.” – Julio, 21, NJ

“I don’t think there can be love at first sight but I do know there can be an instant connection with someone when they speak to you first.” – Sarah, 18, Dublin IE

“It’s not so much that I believe in love at first sight, but more at first encounter. I believe it takes an interaction as simple as a conversation to kick something more serious off.” – Mike, 22, NJ

“I don’t believe in love at first sight. I feel like you need to know someone before the word “love” can apply. Love at first sight is only a Hollywood term.” – Kelley, 19, PA

“I think I believe in a general attraction to someone and an overall gut instinct of knowing (almost as if your body is subliminally telling you that this person is going to be important) that then leads to love with the more time you spend with that person and the more you get to know them. However, when a mother looks at her child for the first time there is an undeniable love at first sight connection.” – Amanda, 22, NJ

Though most people are a bit skeptical of the idea of love at first sight, I still encourage all who do believe to keep on keepin’ on. Stay positive because in the end, I think what it all comes down to is personal experience.

Each person experiences love and life differently, so naturally, we will all have different opinions on this, but I still have hope. And for those who don’t believe in it, I especially hope that one day that special someone comes around and changes your mind.

Trust me, it is the most amazing feeling in the world.

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Allyssa is an English major at Montclair State University. In her spare time she enjoys writing and reading poetry, exploring New York City, strolling through art museums, and driving with the windows down, jamming to The 1975.  
Sarah Vazquez is a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in English and minoring in Journalism. She is the current Editor-in-Chief and a Co-Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She is an avid concert-goer, podcast junkie, X-Files fanatic and someone who always has her nose buried deep inside a book.