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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Jawann McBeth is a promising Bachelor of the Fine Art’s Dance major. He caught my eye on stage back in September, and I always remembered him ever since. Jawann is one of the sweetest guys on campus, winning him a spot as one of the Campus Cuties of December! He’s a fan of cooking, dancing, running, and working out. Jawann brightens everyone’s day at Montclair; you should get to know him!

Q: Why did you choose Montclair?
A: I choose Montclair for the amazing performing arts program, especially the dance department. Also, the beautiful campus, and the fact that New York City is just fourteen miles away.
Q: Did you immediately like Montclair?
A: Yes, I felt a true sense of belonging when I first toured.
Q: Were you nervous about auditioning?
A: I was afraid to audition at first, but then auditioned this past December and got in!
Q: What is your ideal date?
A: Dinner date and a good action/horror movie.
Q: Where would you like to go out to diner on your date?
A: I love Chinese food! So anywhere that serves that.
Q: What is your all time favorite hobby?
A: Definitely dancing!