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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

If you’re from the Northeast, you typically only dream of one thing—getting out. The winters here can be long, harsh and sometimes painful. I’m not winter’s biggest fan, although I also don’t desire to live somewhere where it’s hot 24/7. In honor of winter officially beginning on Dec. 21, I’d like to call out some of my favorite things about this misunderstood time of year. 

5.  Fashion 

Call me lazy, but the simplistic clothing choices for cold weather are definitely one of its highlights. Who doesn’t love a soft, oversized sweater and some boots? It’s the only season where you’re forced to dress for comfort rather than style. You don’t have to worry about impressing your fellow classmates or co-workers. As long as your fingers are still attached, it’s fine. That being said, simple doesn’t mean ugly. If you’re a shopping addict and/or a fashionista, then you could find cute accessories such as hats, gloves and scarves to fill up your wardrobe. 

4. Snow 

Now this is only something to think of as a benefit if you don’t have to remove it from your car, sidewalk, porch, etc. Since I never do the shoveling, I’m going to put it on this list. Aside from the danger it poses, snow is incredibly beautiful to look at, especially snow-covered trees. When you lay your forehead against the window and watch the snowflakes trickle down, it makes you hyper aware of the wonders surrounding your environment. If you live in a warm climate, you’re missing out on this phenomenon. 

3. Christmas

I don’t identify with The Grinch or Scrooge, but I am definitely not the most festive person around. I can’t say that I actively celebrate Christmas, although I do love the atmosphere and kindness that the holiday promotes. From outdoor decorations/lights to music to films, there’s a lot of fun to be found during the season. 

2. New Years

Am I cheating by giving this holiday its own separate spot? Maybe. However, I do care about this one slightly more than Christmas. Not to get unbearably cheesy and sentimental, but the idea of turning over a new leaf and beginning another year is the kind of hope one needs to make it through life. 

1. Indoor Activities

The absolute best thing about winter is that I have a foolproof excuse for not leaving the house. If you’re a recluse like me, then it can be quite irritating when people always try to shame you into being more “lively.” My hobbies don’t require leaving the house. I love to read and write and would much rather do that than anything else.

Donaelle Benoit

Montclair '24

Donaelle Benoit is a junior linguistics major at Montclair State University. When she's not reading, she's writing and when she's not writing, she's usually editing someone else's. She enjoys loud electropop, chocolate chip cookies, and oxford commas.