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How Your Favorite Valentine’s Day Chocolates Will Guide Your Date Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Valentine’s Day love and that sweet chocolate aroma is finally in the air! The thought of unwrapping chocolate-covered hearts, devouring chocolate-covered strawberries and dipping your favorite snacks in chocolate fondue is on its way! 

But a simple chocolate purchase is a little deeper than just choosing any type of chocolate off the shelf. Your choice of chocolate not only defines your personality but also determines your dream Valentine’s date. Some chocolates are sweet, bitter, silky, white, raw – the list goes on. Depending on your chocolate preferences, here is a way to distinguish between the vibes each chocolate brings. If you’re going for more of the “Netflix and Chill” type of date or a romantic night out, your choice of chocolates will guide your Valentine’s date in the right direction. 

If you’re wondering what type of chocolate best defines your dream Valentine’s date then you’re at the right place.

Godiva Assorted Chocolate

When I daydream about Godiva chocolate, one thing that comes to mind is how fancy it is. When you come across a box of their chocolates, each individual piece is named according to its fillings. The chosen names tend to roll off your tongue and sound exquisitely fancy. 

For example, the very delicious “Truffe Amande Au Miel” is an almond praliné filled with honey, almond pieces in a milk chocolate shell and rolled in caramelized roasted almond pieces. Not to mention how exotic and colorful these chocolates appear before taking that mouthwatering first bite. If you decide to purchase Godiva chocolates for your valentine, your relationship status defines you as being the romantic dinner type of date. You want to throw on some high heels and a fancy dress to wear at an elegant restaurant. Godiva chocolates are the smartest way to go if you’re looking to impress your date on a fancy evening out.

Russel Stover/Hershey’s Assorted Chocolates

Russel Stover or Hershey’s assorted chocolates are the most popular on Valentine’s day. They are easy to purchase and are found in most drugstores, which shows how casual the process can be. If these are the chocolates you desire on your Valentine’s date, you are looking for a “Netflix & Chill” type of evening. Your idea of a date is to lounge in cute pajamas, snuggle under a fluffy blanket and binge-watch movies all night. This way it’s super casual, the chocolates are self-explanatory with the usual caramel or hazelnut filling, and you can snack on them while invested in your movie. Drugstore chocolates are your best bet if you’re looking for a more relaxing evening with your date.

Ghirardelli/Lindt Chocolate

If you’re a Ghirardelli/Lindt chocolate lover like me, then you are the adventurous relationship type. You will find fun and romance in anything. You are down to eat at a restaurant, enjoy a messy chocolate fondue, watch a romcom and devour the chocolates or even stargaze in 20-degree weather. My point is, you’re ready to taste the chocolate variety and explore the bittersweet flavors. To make it interesting – put on a blindfold and play a guessing game. There is something so satisfying about trying new chocolates and experiencing new combinations you never thought possible. Ghirardelli or Lindt chocolates are definitely your fit if you’re in the mood for a date night filled with adventure.

Homemade Chocolate

One of the most thoughtful Valentine’s Day trips is visiting a local chocolate store. Walking into the savory scent, walls lined with chocolates and the cutest little stuffed animals somehow makes the holiday sweeter. If you’re the type to purchase homemade chocolates, your relationship status defines you as the “let’s make a romantic dinner.” Throw on an apron, and whip up something delicious for your date. If you want to spice it up a little further, make something together. Then top it off with making your own homemade chocolate! Fresh chocolate is your safest choice if you want to get baking or cooking on your Valentine’s Day evening.

Depending on how your Valentine’s Day goes, you can always count on your chocolate preferences to guide your date in the right direction. 

Have a silky, sweet Valentine’s Day!

Rosaria LoPresti

Montclair '21

Rosaria Lo Presti is a journalist with a strong passion for writing. She also enjoys reading, fashion, and traveling. During her free time, she loves to sing and play instruments or bake something delicious.