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Hawaii Acai Bowl Smoothie Food Yummy Fruit Colorful 2
Hawaii Acai Bowl Smoothie Food Yummy Fruit Colorful 2
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Wellness > Health

Healthy Snacks To Brighten Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

For 2022, I’ve set a ton of goals for myself. For a food junkie like me, that sadly includes eating healthier. 

I was honestly worried at first. As someone who’s struggled with food and feared a diet will become toxic and harmful, I didn’t know how I was going to achieve my goal. Thankfully, I think I’ve figured out how I can enjoy healthy eating!

Disclaimer: Most of these will be vegetarian as I am a pescatarian and don’t eat meat other than fish.

  1. Playa Bowls

If you’re from New Jersey, there’s probably a high chance you’ve had Playa Bowls. If you haven’t, ask yourself what went wrong in life for that to happen. 

Instead of fast food, I treat myself to an acai bowl that is way healthier than a burger and fries!

From the Playa Bowls website itself, they state “Playa Bowls are a healthy treat full of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants as opposed to ice cream or a big slice of pizza … Our bowls, smoothies, and juices are here to fuel an active lifestyle and not to leave you feeling sluggish like pizza and fries would!”

My personal favorite is the Tropical Acai bowl with pineapple, granola, coconut flakes, honey, and I like to add strawberries!

  1. Green Smoothies

You can 100% make this snack on your own! Green smoothies are a great, delicious way to add fruits and veggies to your diet!

Simple Green Smoothies gives us insight, “blending spinach into a fruit smoothie is a great way to boost your immune system, as well as naturally energize you…A green smoothie, on the other hand, is made with fruit, plant-based liquids and leafy greens.”

Check out their website to find easy and affordable recipes!

  1. Apple Slices With Peanut Butter

This one is super simple and a great way to get protein into your diet. Including protein in your breakfast will not only energize you but make you more satisfied for the rest of your day!

Healthline explains “on one hand, apples are a fiber-rich fruit. On the other hand, peanuts provide healthy fats, plant-based protein, and fiber — pretty much all of the filling nutrients you should look for in a snack.”

  1. Dark Chocolate and Almonds

Still need a couple of sweets in your diet? No problem, it’s okay to treat yourself! Healthline states “dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and almonds are a rich source of healthy fats.” So luckily, we don’t have to give up chocolate!

A square or two of dark chocolate and a handful of almonds is the perfect snack for those who need a quick pick-me-up in their day.

  1. Cherry Tomatoes With Mozzarella Cheese

As a proud Italian, I must have mozzarella cheese for survival. Luckily, a great snack is mozzarella paired with cherry tomatoes. 

This one you can play with and add your own seasoning or oils so you can make it your own!

Eating healthy is a great way to make yourself confident as well as make your body feel lively and energized! Make every day yours and treat your body with some healthy eating!

Avery Nixon

Montclair '25

A television and film major, with a minor in creative writing, and aspiring screenwriting who is taking her first step as a writer for multiple organizations at Montclair State University.