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Breanna Coon / Her Campus

Having Body Positivity as The Weather Gets Warmer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

As warmer weather approaches, so do our insecurities. Shorter sleeves mean revealing more of our arms, shorter pants reveal our thighs, and so forth. Sometimes it may get hard to convince yourself to wear those lighter clothing options because of the way you feel about your body. Some of us may have scars, cellulite, or just plain flaws we see when we look in the mirror. I understand these problems and I’m here to help you get through it.

Wearing short sleeves can feel so freeing, yet make you feel so shy. We all know now that our arms are exposed we have to worry about things we could easily hide with a jacket. If you’re insecure about your arm flab or maybe even your armpits, it may feel nerve-wracking to go out in short sleeves. I understand this problem. While some may see all the disadvantages, I like to see all the benefits. With short sleeves, your arms are no longer restrained! You can move your arms wherever and a long sleeve can’t hold you back! When your sleeves are shorter, you can feel the sun on your arms and it can be quite nice. I love wearing short sleeves in the warm weather because when I’m walking in the sunshine, I can feel the light beaming off of me. I understand some of us may have scars for whatever reason and many are ashamed of them. I’ll be honest here, nobody truly judges. We’ve all been through hard times and we all have our own stories. If you have some scars that’ll be seen, show them to the world. You are a warrior and those are just your battle wounds. 

Shorts and quarter pants are a big style in the warm weather. It’s finally time to show off those legs! This may be scary for those who don’t feel they have the most attractive legs. I have a scar from my ACL surgery back in 2017 on my right knee and I used to try and hide it as much as I could. It looks funny when I start to tan and I didn’t like the way it made my knee look. This was something I had to overcome, and so I understand the struggle behind women who’d rather not show their legs. However, the hell with that! Expose those legs and thighs! It’s hot out and if you’re walking around with pants that aren’t made for the warm weather, you’re going to sweat. Let the world see those legs!

As a bustier woman, I also understand the struggle with having bigger breasts in the warm weather. “What’s up with that underboob sweat? Where did that cleavage come from? Is my shirt see-through?” I’ve asked myself all those questions before. Warmer weather can make you rethink a lot of clothing choices because of the way your chest may look in them, but don’t think too negatively! All women understand the struggle. There’s no need to question yourself every time you walk through the door. You’re beautiful, embrace your body!

I am a woman who understands the struggle with the warm weather. It’s hard adjusting to the change between covering yourself all up to suddenly exposing a lot of your body. We all have flaws and we all have things we don’t love about ourselves, it’s natural! The one thing to keep in mind though is that you’re beautiful. Whatever flaws you feel you have just make you unique and beautiful. Let that sun hit your skin wherever it can! You deserve it.

Maria Hofmann

Montclair '22

Just a Journalism major with a passion to write. She loves listening to music and attending concerts as often as she can. She loves to drink coffee on the regular as she spends some quality time gossiping with her best friends, one being her mom! She's super outgoing and loves to meet new people so she can share stories about her life with others.
Lauren Clemente recent graduate from Montclair State University who studied Communication and Media Arts. She held the role of President and Co-Campus Correspondent, as well as Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus Montclair. She loves all things to do with content creation, fashion + beauty and traveling the world.