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Deanna Stirk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


Montclair’s Campus Celebrity for this month is Deanna Stirk!

Deanna is a senior Justice Studies major with a concentration in International Justice Studies. She lives in Clark, NJ with high hopes of becoming an agent for the FBI after graduating this year.

When she is not studying law, Deanna focuses her attention to intramural sports. She is the director of intermural sports here at MSU. Currently she is supervising volleyball and dodge ball, but she directs other sports throughout the semesters. Her job consists of keeping scores from various games, establishing rules, overseeing players and office work for when she’s not out on the court. During her office hours she manages team emails, answers the phone and often has meetings. She works several nights out the week this semester at the Rec.

Deanna has been involved in intramural sports since her freshman year where she applied to be a scorekeeper and ever since has moved up in the ranks! She enjoys meeting a lot of students on campus who share a love for sports and she enjoys seeing the players having a good time playing the sport.

Her advice to others who want to peruse this is to have a good time and be responsible when it comes to players, such as first aid because safety comes first! Among having a good time doing what she loves, Deanna expresses that you must have excellent communication skills, know the rules of the game and of course have a liking of sports.