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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

What is crochet?

Crochet is a craft that involves using a hooked needle to create fabric by interlinking loops of yarn. Crocheting can be very hard for beginners, so this article will mention some tools, tips and tricks to help reduce some of the stress that comes with learning something new. 

What you need

The first thing you need when crocheting is the yarn. Now when looking at all the different yarn out there, it is best to stay away from the fluffy and thick yarn just due to the fact that it will be quite difficult to see exactly where you are crocheting. The best thing you can do is stick to cotton or acrylic yarn in the beginning. The brand Red Heart is great for beginner acrylic yarn as it’s easy to work with.

The next thing you need when crocheting is a hook. When looking at hook sizes in the beginning, you should try to stay away from the ones that are too small or too big. You want one that will be easy to handle when you are working on your projects, so it’s best to stay in the range of 4.5 mm and 6.5 mm. 

The next thing you will need are stitch markers. When you mark the first stitch of your project with a stitch marker it makes it easier for you to count your stitches and make sure you are staying on track. It also prevents you from possibly adding or dropping stitches which could distort the size and shape of your project. Out of everything that is recommended, this is honestly one of the most important. 

Another good thing to have when crocheting is darning needles. Darning needles are useful when you get to the end of your project and you need to weave in the ends of the yarn which ensures that the work will not come undone. 

The last basic thing to have are scissors. That may be obvious but useful for cutting your yarn. A regular pair of craft scissors works or you can get scissors specifically tailored for cutting fabrics or yarn. 

Simple projects for beginners. 

When you first start crocheting the best projects to make are those that are simple and not super time-consuming. Scarves, headbands, small bags, pot holders/coasters, book covers, and granny squares are some of the basics. All of those usually only involve one type of simple stitching and are quite easy to follow, so you will not be overwhelmed right at the beginning. 

Take advantage of YouTube

When learning how to crochet the best thing you can do for yourself to make it a bit easier is take advantage of YouTube tutorials. Whether you just need to understand a specific pattern, need to be walked through how to make something step-by-step, or are just looking for project inspiration, YouTube has it all and is literally your best friend. 

Pace yourself and be patient 

Crocheting takes a lot of patience and time in the beginning. It is very easy to get overwhelmed and completely want to give up, but it’s best to just take it slow, take breaks, and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get something right away cause you are still learning. 

Crocheting is all about having fun! Have your friends over and throw a crochet party or put your favorite show or album on while you crochet. It’s all up to you and what you like, so I hope my tips and tricks will help you in your crochet journey!

Joanna Vonzwehl is a sophomore at Montclair State University, she is double majoring in Psychology and Justice Studies w/ a concentration in Criminal Justice and minoring in Child Advocacy and Policy. Her hobbies include: reading, crocheting, going to concerts, and spending time with friends and family. She is very excited to join Her Campus Montclair and put her work out there as a contributing writer!!