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Campus Cutie: Wesley DeSouza

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.
Take a break from work, or reading your fall semester syllabi and read all about this week’s HCM Campus Cutie.
Meet Wesley DeSouza, a humble, cool, calm and collected young man who has just entered his second year at Montclair State. We sat down with Wesley, better known as Wes, for a brief talk about his past, dreams, and views on relationships. 
HCM: What drew you to your major?
Wes: Music has always been my thing. I’ve been playing the drums since I could walk and I’ve recently been teaching myself how to play the piano. I started off as a Psychology major and really liked it but realized that it wasn’t what I was passionate about. My main thing in life right now is to do something that I am passionate about.
HCM: What are some of your future plans with major?
Wes: Well, once I heard about Audio Engineering as a major I jumped on the opportunity. Since then, my friends and I have started up a group of artists called the Free Thinkers. Our group is founded on seeing how different people express themselves. It was originally a campus organization but we took it and ran with it. So we’re starting up our own music/art label.
HCM: What are some of your hobbies? Any strange talents?
Wes: Aside from playing instruments, producing music and listening to music, I’m also a wrestler. I love going into the city for random adventures and I now know NYC like the back of my hand.
HCM: What is your favorite place to eat at on campus and what are some of your favorite cuisines?
Wes: Freeman or the diner [Red Hawk Diner]. As for my favorite cuisines, I would say Spanish food, Brazilian food, cheese steak and I love ice cream!
HCM:  What’s your favorite ice cream?
Wes: Off the top of my head, I would say neapolitan. Also, Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked.
HCM: Five years ago, did you see yourself where you are today?
Wes: Yes and no. Towards the beginning of high school I was a knucklehead and I grew up on the wrong side of town, but went to a wealthy private school. So with those two factors I often felt conflicted. It was hard not to listen to those who would try to convince me to just go along with the wrong crowd. But, at one point I realized that I could go to college and become someone. At that point I had gotten into wrestling which helped me to become more disciplined and my wrestling team was like another family to me.
HCM:  If you could change one thing about your Montclair State experience, what would it be?
Wes: Trains not running on the weekends because I love venturing into the city.
HCM: What is your take on relationships today?
Wes: I’m an old soul so I still like to be the one to ask the girl out. I’ve had moments when girls are shocked that I’m even asking them out. I feel like relationships today have become very impersonal. Most of that has to do with social media and the common hook up mentality that our society seems to be so fixed on today.
HCM: What is your ideal type of relationship?
Wes: My ideal relationship would be with someone who is quirky, adventurous, challenges me intellectually and that I can just be myself around. I want a young woman who I can debate with on intellectual topics and not just superficial ones. Also, I love spontaneity, so she has to be spontaneous and just as random as me.
HCM: And now for question that the ladies are eager to know, are you single?
Wes: Yes.
Thank you so much for your time and for sharing some of your personal insight, Wes. We here at HCM truly appreciate it. We wish you all the best and hope that you continue pursuing your career goals as a music producer. Keep up the cuteness and awesomeness!​
Sophonie whom is best known as Sophie, is a Graduating Senior at what she likes to call "the best school on this side of town," Montclair State University. In her words, MSU's slogan is not far from the truth because she belives it is definitely all here! Sophie is a Psychology major and a double minor of Creative Writing & African-American Studies. Her first love is reading and second love is creating writing. This is 4th Semester as a writer for HerCampus and she couldn't be happier to still be a part of such an amazing group of young, talented writers. One of Sophie's many future goals is to become a published author.
Jennifer is a Feature Writer for Her Campus Montclair and a junior at Montclair State University. Jennifer is majoring in nutrition with a concentration in dietetics with a biology minor. She absolutely loves to write and dance and enjoys expressing her creativity through writing and dancing! She recently began practicing yoga and she loves it very much. Jennifer hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and one day write for a health & fitness magazine. Health is very important to Jennifer and she wants to share her love of health and fitness with the world!