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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Name: Nick Bilchuk

Age: 21

Birthday: May 22, 1992

Major: Finance 

Height: 6’2”

After this harsh winter, the weather is FINALLY beginning to warm up. Thank goodness, because that means more of our potential campus cuties are coming outside for all of us ladies to see. This week, our campus cutie is a driven student and businessman that knows how to have a good time. The best of both worlds! 

HCM: Where are you from?

NB: I was born in Ukraine but moved here when I was 2 1/2 and grew up in Jersey City, NJ.

HCM: Why did you choose to come to Montclair? Do you like it?

NB: I came to MSU for the Hockey team and the close proximity to my job in NYC. So far in my 2 years here I’ve had a blast and met a lot of great people.

HCM: A job in NYC? That’s exciting, what do you do?

NB: I am currently an Associate Director of Sales for a high-end furniture rental in NYC. I got into this field when my hockey career wasn’t working out the way I wanted to during my break after high school. I actually found this job on craigslist believe it or not, I started in a different position and worked my way up the ranks.

HCM: Tell us about your hockey career. How did you get involved with the sport? How long have you been playing?

NB: I started playing hockey at the age of 5, my mom got me into to it to keep me busy and out of trouble. I quickly fell in love with the game and have been playing now for almost 18 years

HCM: What are some of your goals?

NB: Right now my goal is to finish off my last two years at MSU strong. Afterwards I hope to help expand the company I work for out to LA and head the company out there.

HCM: Are you single?

NB: Yes  I am.

HCM: What do you look for in a girl?

NB: I love it when a girl has a beautiful smile and an awesome personality. You can be a model for magazines but if I can’t enjoy having a conversation with you, I’m not interested.

HCM: If you were to take the girl of your dreams on a date, what would the date be?

NB: This is a tough one, because every date is different. My perfect date might be to take the girl ice skating and share something with her that I care about so much. I would follow this with an intimate dinner for two where we make the meal together.

HCM: What is the biggest turn off?

NB: When a girl smells of cigarettes.

HCM: Do you have a specific “type”?

NB: I wouldn’t say I really have a type, it is all about the connection I have with the girl. I think there’s more to finding the right girl than just physical attributes.

HCM: Are you a relationship kind of guy, or do you prefer the George Clooney approach? (George Clooney approach meaning you want to be a bachelor for life)

NB: Right now in my life I wouldn’t really classify myself as either. If I don’t have the time to dedicate to spending time with my girlfriend and treating her the way she deserves to be treated, then I do not see a point of starting a relationship. I also do not see a point of leading girls on if I have no intention of pursuing something with that girl. Eventually I definitely want to find that girl I’ll spend the rest of my life with and start a family with. It just all about the right timing with me.