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Campus Cutie: Jake Chadwick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

            The beginning of the semester here at Montclair State is full of nervous freshmen, eager students, pleasant professors, and an endless amount of eye candy for us ladies! Since classes began on the 4th, we’re sure we have all encountered quite a few cuties walking around campus and in class. Although there are plenty of eligible good-looking men for the title of Campus Cutie, we had to pick just one for this week. Meet September’s first Campus Cutie of the new school year, Jake Chadwick!

            Jake Chadwick is a tall, brown haired, blue/green eyed junior that has attended Montclair State since his freshman year. Oakland, NJ, which is not too far away from our college, is the place that Jake calls home. He decided to attend MSU for that reason exactly. He wanted to go away to college but also wanted to stay close enough to home so he could keep his jobs back at home. Although he is employed back at home, Jake lives on campus and has enjoyed every minute of his experience here thus far. His favorite part of campus is “the diversity on campus.” Aside from experiencing all that Montclair has to offer, Jake has various other hobbies.

            Music is a big part of Jake’s life. He is a musician and dabbles in singing and playing drums. Also, for the past six years, Jake has been fencing. We found this very unique because it is not everyday you meet someone that can sword fight! Here are a few extra endearing facts about this week ‘s Campus Cutie!


Age: 20

Birthday: 5/17/93

Major: Justice Studies Career

Future Goals: Work for the DEA


Are you single?

JC: Yes.


What is your version of the perfect date?

JC: Take a joy ride to any scenic spot and have a picnic while watching the sunset.


What are some of the main qualities you look for in a girl?

JC: Honest, loyal, intelligent, and good at baking.