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BFF No More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


Boys come and go, but friends are forever right? But what happens when your best friend decides that it’s misters before sisters? College is supposed to be the best four years of your life. It’s where you find yourself, loose yourself, and find yourself again. It’s filled with new things. Being independent and living away from home brings upon new experiences. College not only brings you obstacles you’ve never faced before, but brings you new friends you can be whoever you want around. It’s somewhere to start new. Having a new found self confidence along with new friends can sometimes turn into romantic relationships with the right people. Not everyone has the time or want to be in a relationship in college, but what happens when your best friend who you spend 99% of your time with gets romantically involved? For those of you in relationships, you know that nothing is more exciting than getting into a new relationship. You open yourself up to a person, feeling vulnerable yet hoping not to get hurt and you want to spend every waking minute with that person. But those of you who are best friends with a person in a new relationship, you know how easily you can be forgotten in the midst of all that new puppy love she’s experiencing.
It’s hard to cope when your best friend enters a new relationship but you have to remember that you haven’t lost her, you just have to share her now with someone. Your first reaction might be mad or upset. You’re thinking, how could she just ignore you when you were there all the nights she waited for his phone call or text, telling her it would all work out. You should never be mad at your best friend though. On the contrary, you should be more than happy for her! It’s easy to feel mad when you keep getting ditched for her boyfriend but you have to remember that in the early stages of a relationship, it’s all about balancing. Your best friend needs to learn how to balance her time. Not only with schoolwork and her boyfriend, but also balancing hanging out with the girls too. First, tell your best friend how you’re feeling. Tell her that it’s bothering you that you two aren’t spending enough time together and you feel she’s picking him over you. Help her make a schedule where she has time to see her boyfriend, study and hang out with the girls. Remind your best friend how important girl time is! Tell her that she can’t talk about The Real Housewives of New Jersey or all the horrible fashion at the Oscars with her boyfriend! Every girl needs girl time to talk about girly things or even just to vent about her boyfriend! 
Get to know your best friend’s boyfriend. No one likes being the third wheel but hang out with the two of them once in a while. It will show your friend that you care not only about her but about her new relationship. Maybe even ask if he has any cute single friends you can double date with!

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