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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

After a long and relaxing break filled with hanging out with family and friends and trying to get some extra cash, it can be hard to get back into the swing of a new semester. To help you avoid feeling lost when your professor starts talking about homework, tests, and projects (because you have to start all of that again), here are 5 tips to help you become prepared for the new semester!

1. Make your planner your best friend.

Don’t rely on your memory to remember all of your assignment dates and club meeting times. There is a planner out there for everyone. Find one that’s right for you and make it your own! Right down all of the assignment due dates you receive in your syllabus ASAP. This will keep you organized for the semester and if your professor changes a date you can make a note of it easily. Also, always right down meeting times for clubs or interviews to avoid being MIA because you totally thought the meeting was tomorrow and not today.

2. Find new music.

 Create new playlists that you can jam out to before going to class or to listen to while you’re stuck in traffic. Try to step out of your comfort zone with music and listen to new artists or genres that you usually would skip. Ariana Grande, J. Cole, and Logic have all released new music lately that is perfect for that pump-up playlist!

If you don’t already have a music subscription look into student discounts! You don’t have to keep listening to music with those annoying ads. Spotify Premium offers a student discount package for $4.99 a month plus Hulu and Showtime. It’s basically a college kid starter pack, minus the iced coffee and ramen.

3. Organize your backpack.

If you came home from school and threw your backpack in your closet and left it there over break (don’t lie we all did it) it’s now time to open it up and reorganize it. Throw out your old tests and quizzes (yes even that paper that you worked so hard on). Make sure you have a notebook or binder and pens and pencils because some professors still require handwritten notes over typed. Stock up on the essentials like gum, pads/tampons, hair ties, stain remover pen, etc., so that you are always prepared for any emergencies.

I recommend buying a mini emergency kit for your bag that’s super cute and inexpensive!

4. Hold off on buying textbooks.

Contrary to popular belief, you should wait to buy a textbook (gasps). Many professors may say that you need a textbook in the syllabus but then tell you not to bother buying one or to buy an earlier addition. Unless you are told before classes start to buy a book, be sure to wait until your professor tells you a textbook is essential before you spend hundreds of dollars on a book you’ll never open. You’ll want to save as much money as you can in the beginning of the semester!

5. Refresh and treat yourself.

 Go into the new semester feeling your most confident self! Get your nails done or a haircut to feel refreshed. Treat yo self to something you’ve been wanting, to make going into a new semester a little more bearable. Maybe buy a new outfit or a new pair of shoes to feel your best! The more confident you feel in your skin, the more you’ll be able to crush this semester! It can be really difficult to feel excited about the spring semester, but now you have everything you need to survive until it’s finally summer!

Tara Byrne

Montclair '21

Tara is 22 years old and a senior at Montclair State majoring in fashion studies with a minor in business. She loves keeping up with pop culture and catching up on her Youtube subscriptions. Tara mostly writes fashion, beauty, and lifestyle pieces for Her Campus. She is the current President and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Montclair. In addition, she is a Co-Campus Coorespondent for Her Campus Montclair.
Emma Flusk

Montclair '19

Emma Flusk is recent graduate from Montclair State University, where she majored in Television and Digital Media. She was the Editor-in-Chief and a Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She’s passionate about anything that has to do with lifestyle, beauty and wellness for women. She is a self-proclaimed craft queen, semi-pro binge-watcher and a lover of all dogs.