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10 Ways to Make a Difference

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


The holidays can be wonderful for most of us but not so wonderful for a lot of us. This is the perfect time to give back to your community and volunteer. Not only will you be doing something great for people in need but you’ll also feel great doing it. Don’t know how? Here are 10 ways to give back to any community!

  1. Give People Clean Water: It’s a sad truth that 1 billion people in the world don’t have access to clean water. You can help change that by visiting water.org. The founders, Matt Damon and Gary White’s mission is to provide undeveloped countries with clean water to drink, bathe, etc. How can you help? You can take part in its fundraising and education projects or donate. According to water.org, $25 can bring one person a lifetime of safe drinking water.
  2. Toys for Tots: This is a well-known organization by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve where they collect new toys and give them to the less fortunate. It’s especially popular during the holiday season. When you visit ToysForTots.org you can donate money online, find a drop-off location, or even host your own Toys For Tots event. You can even volunteer at a local warehouse. Check it out and put a smile on a little darling’s face.
  3. Hurricane Sandy Relief: New Jersey was one of the states that was heavily destructed by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Families lost their homes, businesses, and even loved ones. The Jersey Shore is almost non-existent. You can donate to Sandy Relief through the American Red Cross or Occupy Sandy where you can volunteer as a worker or donate supplies.
  4. Food Drive: Help fight hunger and poverty in New Jersey by either hosting a food drive or finding one near you. Donate food and grocery products. There are millions of people living in poverty and are without food. Your efforts would make a world of a difference.
  5. Help the Elderly: During this time of year it’s hard for the elderly to get around and do the things they want to do. So offer to maybe shovel their snow, rake their leaves, take down their holiday lights, or even run their errands for them. Any bit of help would definitely be appreciated.
  6. Locks of Love: As us collegiettes know, our hair makes us feel beautiful. So why not make someone who doesn’t have hair feel beautiful by donating yours? Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides hair to anyone under 21 who isn’t financially stable and is suffering from hair loss due to a medical reason. Look into the guidelines and if you’re a good match then fill out that form! If you can’t donate your hair, don’t worry! You can still volunteer to host your own Locks of Love event or make a financial donation.
  7. The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery: The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program helps cancer patients who are in the process of receiving treatment by setting them up with drivers to take them to and from their treatment. So donate your time and wheels to patients who cannot drive or don’t have any means of transportation. You’ll gain a friend in the process.
  8. Donate a Coat: Burlington Coat Factory teams up with Good Morning America and One Warm Coat for their annual Coat Drive. When you bring a coat to the Customer Service Desk at your local Burlington Coat Factory from now till January 21st, 2013 you can receive 10% off your purchase.
  9. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen: The holidays are the worst times to be alone, hungry, and completely broke. Soup kitchens are the way to go if you want to help the homeless feel not so homeless. If you visit the homeless shelter directory you can search for soup kitchens in your area.
  10. Support Sandy Hook Elementary: The tragic event that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut last week is one that will never be forgotten. You can support those families through the hard times they are facing. The U.S. Postal Service set up a special P.O. Box for anyone who wants to send their condolences to the families. Look for the address at the end of this post. The United Way, the band OneRepublic, and Brian Mauriello, have set up funds to help the families affected by this tragedy get counseling, pay for funeral expenses, and anything else they may need. The victims’ families have also started funds: Friends of the Engel Family Fund, Emilie Parker Fund, and Noah’s Ark of Hope Fund.  

Messages of Condolence for Newtown
P.O. Box 3700
Newtown, CT 06470

Her Campus Montclair wants to thank each and every one of you for following us and supporting us. We are so grateful to our readers. We want to wish you all the happiest of holidays and a Happy New Year! Don’t forget that you can make a difference.

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I'm an eternal optimist, aspiring PR girl, fashionsta and friend. I love my position at Her Campus Montclair. Being Editor-in-Chief has taught me how to manage time, be creative with content, and most of all, how to be an effective leader. I'm currently the social media manager at the New Yorker Hotel and Manhattan Center in NYC. When I was the social media director for HC Montclair, I learned just how incredible being connected with the world could be for any business. Social media has become a part of almost everyone's life. I adore it for all it can do and hope to one day own a social media consulting firm that can go into struggling businesses or start up businesses and help them out.