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Jobless in Missoula: We can Relate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montana chapter.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged when you go through a dozen applications and interviews in a month and still end up being at square one, minus a chunk of printing paper used to print off resumes and a portion of your ink from Staples. I’ve been there and I’m still there. While, it may be exactly what your parents have told you a dozen times, you just have to keep trying, eventually something will open up.

In the meantime, if you have financial aid and qualify for work study make sure to apply to jobs available through the University, since you will have first dibs! There’s a wide variety of jobs ranging from dining services and lifeguarding at the Grizzly Pool to being a manager at the Museum.
If you’re like me and you don’t qualify for financial aid, and need to make some money while you wait for something more serious, there are tons of opportunities to babysit, either through the University or through family and friend connections.
Another option, if you can handle needles and the process of donating blood and you’re healthy would be to donate plasma at the BioLife plasma donating service on Great Northern Ave. It’s a long process but you get paid to donate plasma and provide a crucial service.
Along the lines of babysitting, you can always walk dogs or house sit when it’s an option.
Continue to flood the city with your resume and look for opportunities when they appear, and hopefully sometime soon, both you and I will be employed!

Campus Correspondant- My Campus Montana, colettemaddock@hercampus.com Colette Maddock is a senior at the University of Montana (class of 2011). She is a print Journalism major and a Women's Studies minor from Whitefish, Montana. This summer she interned at Skiing Magazine. She is passionate about winter sports, and loves skiing and figure skating. In her spare time she reads tons of books, tries to cook, and spends time with her friends.