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Can a man be a feminist?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montana chapter.
Can a man be a feminist?

I know many women who refer to themselves as feminists.  This makes sense, seeing that feminism advocates equal rights for women.  What about men?  Can a man call himself a feminist?

I think the question is worth pondering.  I recently read a piece for a class addressing this same concept (Michael Kimmel’s “Real Men Join the Movement).  Michael Kimmel, a specialist in sociology and gender, believes that a man who supports women’s equality should refer to himself as a “pro feminist.”  Why?  He believes that defining oneself as a feminist requires a felt experience of women’s inequality.  Men don’t know what it feels like to be oppressed as a woman.  They can support female equality, but can’t identify with female oppression.

Kimmel is simply showing respect for women’s unique experiences by referring to himself as a “pro feminist.”  Personally, I don’t think I’d be offended if any man shouted out “I’m a feminist!”  I’d be psyched, as I am to see anyone join the movement.

I think that if you want to call yourself a feminist, that’s awesome.  I would love to hear anyone tell me they’re a feminist whether they’re male, female, transgender, or fall into any other category.  Feminism is awesome.  Although I very much respect Kimmel’s opinion, I don’t think it’s my place to tell a man he can’t be a feminist, or for that matter criticize him for saying he’s a pro feminist.  If you support feminism, how you refer to your stance isn’t important to me.  I’m just happy you’re on the bandwagon!  

What do you think?  Should men who support women’s equality call themselves feminists or pro feminists, or do you have a different solution altogether?  Share!

Alyse is a senior at the University of Montana with a journalism major. She was born and raised in the small town of Dillon, Montana. When not busy with school, Alyse likes to enjoy the beautiful mountains of Montana. In addition to volunteering with Her Campus, Alyse also volunteers at the YWCA by leading support groups for domestic violence and sexual assualt survivors. After graduation, Alyse wants to explore the field of journalism in a warm and sunny climate.