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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

On Monday, March 9th, I woke up, got ready, and drove to Monmouth to start my week of classes. The only thing getting me through the week was knowing that once Friday was over, Spring Break was finally happening. As soon as I finished my classes for the day and headed back home, I was unaware that that would be the last time I step foot on campus for eight months.

As I get ready to head to Monmouth this Monday, November 9th, to take my senior portraits, I begin to think about what I miss the most about campus. I did transfer to Monmouth for the 2019-2020 school year, so I only got to experience one full semester there; however, during the fall semester, I did encounter quite a lot that I miss to this day.

I never thought I would say this, but I miss going to class. Although I usually didn’t say much in class, I miss the environment. It was comforting in a way because physically seeing people is better than seeing them through a computer screen. Also, walking to my classes was one of my favorite things in the world. Monmouth is one of the most beautiful campuses, full of stunning architecture that I enjoyed walking past daily, especially the Great Hall.

The Great Hall is my favorite building on campus, and it just so happens to be the home of my academic department – English. There is so much history behind this building, and it is visible in both the interior and exterior structures. When it came to the holiday season, the Great Hall looked stunning! The decorations were a perfect touch and made me feel so cheerful, even if I was about to head up the dreaded staircase (Yeah, I really don’t miss climbing those stairs in the Great Hall).

On campus, there were so many spots to sit down and relax as well. One of my favorite places to sit down and do homework or eat was the Student Center. When it was still warm out, I would sit outside at one of the tables set up near the back entrance. I love being outdoors, so having the opportunity to spend my break between classes enjoying the fresh air and gorgeous scenery was always a plus. When it was getting colder, I opted to spend my time on the second floor of the Student Center; there is plenty of seating and areas to unwind and study up there. It was usually quiet up there, but the silence was comforting and motivated me to get as much work done as I could.

What I miss the most is feeling independent and always having somewhere to go. I had a set routine every single day of the school week, which was nice. I wasn’t sitting around, playing on my phone, or procrastinating.

As a transfer student, it makes me upset at how much of the college experience I am missing. I went to community college for the first two years of school and worked to pay educational expenses. When I arrived at Monmouth, I was ready for a new beginning. A better experience. I am grateful for what I was able to encounter at Monmouth in 2019, but I am ready for one last chance to make the most of college before I graduate in May.

Allison is 21 years old and currently a senior at Monmouth University. She is an English major and hopes to enter a career in digital content writing or social media marketing. She loves all things pop culture - tv shows, movies, music, beauty, and more!