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Ringing in the Holiday Cheer!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

Final exams this year take place until December 22nd, so students decided to ring in the holidays a bit earlier with an Ugly Sweater Party! Students donned festive sweaters and filed into Hays Theatre on Thursday night. The night was filled with fun, food, and awesome music. Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the holiday season right before finals. 

Toni Martini is an Elementary Education major in her senior year at Molloy College. She is the Co-Editor-in-Chief in her college's media organization and has a passion for writing. When she isn't running around to events with her camera, she can be found drinking copious cups of coffee with her friends and is always carrying a smile in her obnoxiously tiny purse. Toni is feverishly passionate about representing Molloy College with Her Campus and is overly excited every time her staff has a meeting.  Her goals are to bring happiness to others with her writing and eat chocolate on every continent.