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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

1. Get a planner

I cannot stress this enough. Organization is key when it comes to having a ton of responsibilities. Planning ahead and writing down everything you have to do is important! The last thing you want to do is procrastinate and be really stressed! I know for a fact there was a free giveaway of Molloy planners. Go get one! It’s important to know when everything is due so you can plan ahead and use your time wisely! Planners are really helpful because they organize everything you have to do and when they are due. They can also be used to help you set aside times of your day to do your work.

2. Join clubs!

Joining clubs are a great way to meet people! It’s great because everyone there shares some interests with you and it’s a great way to make new friends! Join any club you want, there are plenty out there and plenty of people who share the same interests as you. Also, it looks great on a resume, especially being an e-board member of the club. Since no one is forcing you to be part of a club, it looks pretty good when you willingly choose to have additional responsibilties. It also makes you look like more of a well-rounded person. Just be careful not to join too many clubs or take on too many resposnibilities! Grades should always come first so do not take on more than what you can handle.

3. DON’T take early morning classes

You think you are actually going to enjoy forcing yourself to wake up for a 7:30 am class? Unless you’re a real morning person I would not suggest this, especially for people who don’t do mornings. Taking a 9:05 or later is not a bad idea however, since in the real world not most people do not start work at 12:15! Sometimes you have to take that 7:30 class for whatever reason, and I think it is important to do at least once anyway. It really makes you appreciate only having to get up for a 9:05 class! Also try to keep classes around the same periods of the day. Don’t sign up for an early morning class and for a late night class in the same day you are going to hate yourself! 

4. It’s okay to not go to that party.. or to go

Parties exist at every college, every single one. And you are most certainly going to be invited to them. It’s up to you if you want to go or not, college is all about becoming an adult and making choices for yourself. It’s ok to have fun whichever way you choose. Just be careful about those choices and how they affect you. No one is going to judge you for your choices either! If you want to go, that’s fine! If you think you should stay and get homework done, that’s fine too! Always remember that grades are first and that you don’t spend a ton of money to mess up! 

5. Set aside time to study or do homework

Again, planning ahead is always super important. That homework isn’t going to just complete itself! And the last thing you want to do is constantly worry about how much work you have to do! Homework and studying are vital to passing classes. You may have barely ever studied in high school, but you can’t pull that off now! Also, READ THE TEXTBOOK. Ok maybe not for that gen ed class that’s super easy, but at least for your major. You are going to have plenty of time to hang out and relax, so you really should plan ahead so you when you do hang out or relax you’re not secretly stressing about the homework you haven’t done. When you study or read or do homework, take breaks! Trying to do everything in one shot is exhausting, and also really stressful.

6. Sleep

Okay I know this is hard, but you HAVE to get your sleep. Most of the time I only have two moods which are: sleep is for the weak, or sleep is for the week. Neither of those moods are good or healthy for anyone. So, one helpful thing to do is to try to have classes at the same time everyday. That way you wake up at the same time every morning. Eventually it will be really easy to do and you will naturally get tired at the same time every night! And if you have classes at completley different time during the week, try getting up at the same time everyday! Also, here are some tips for people finding it hard to sleep. Try to never do anything in bed other than sleep. And by that I mean, try to not to read, or do homework, or watch TV in bed. You should only ever be in bed to go to sleep because it will condition your body to be tired. When you’re awake and using your bed for anything other than sleep and it basically confuses your brain. Also, if you can’t fall asleep within a half an hour try getting up and moving around for a while. Read a book or do something and then try going back to sleep! Sleep helps you remember things and gives you plenty of energy for the next day, so SLEEP!

7. Eat (but not too much)

I know for a fact I am not the only one that does this, but do you ever get so wrapped up in what you’re doing you forget to eat? I’ll be very busy sometimes and I just forget to eat. I know, it’s terrible. While it’s good to be focused, it’s also really important to eat! Everyone always talks about the Freshmen 15 and how it happens because you can eat whatever you want. But let’s be honest the cafeteria does not always serve what you’re craving. And everyone would much rather be at home eating their favorite home cooked meal. So hopefully eating too much won’t be an issue, but be careful anyway because Freshmen 15 must exist for a reason! But definietly don’t starve yourself either. You need food in order to function and get things done! Eating breakfast is important because it helps wake your mind up and makes it easier to concentrate in class! So try not to forget to eat but also not too eat too many unhealthy foods.

8. Set aside time for yourself

College seems to be a lot about setting aside time for things. But anyway, setting time aside for yourself is extremely important! Have you ever been so busy and social that you become so exhausted and kind of irritated? I certainly have and I’m sure it happens to everyone at least once. It seems like everyday you are doing something, whether it be work or some social event. Sometimes it all get to be a little too much and you feel like you are literally on the verge of a mental breakdown. This is why you need some “me” time. Personally, I do not not know what I would do without my “me” time. It’s basically essential to relax and renew! However you choose to do that is up to, but do whatever you truly want in order to relax. My favorite is to take a nice hot bath and watch TV all day! As long as you plan ahead you should be fine!

9. Take oppurtunities

Ok so you are in college now which means that professors do not really give second chances to anyone. They wish you well and are certainly there for when you need them, but they do not care about your grades or whether you do the homework or not. So if you EVER get a chance to increase your grade, DO IT! JUST DO IT! I know you are picturing Shia Lebeouf screaming at you and that is good. Do not be a fool and not do the extra credit that professors so rarely offer. Redo the online homework if it lets you and homework grades count. Do not just let oppurtunities slide by, take them and be grateful!

10. Become friends with a professor

Now before you think anything, no, this is not an attempt to get a higher grade and it will not work if you try. The purpose of becoming friends with a professor is because professors are usually people who used to be in whatever field they are teaching. Networking is important in basically every career because it often helps you find a job easier. Also, professors often have plenty of experience in whatever field they were in and you could so much from them. Lastly, one day you are going to need their recommondations, so make friends with professors! They are there to help you and would be glad to help you in any way!

Have fun and enjoy college! Hopefully these tips help!

Travis is 19 in his fourth semester of college! He is considered a Junior at Molloy and majors in Accounting! When he discovered(?) Her Campus at his school he immediately joined and became a writer and the Instragram coordinator. Now he is proud to be a Campus Correspondent!