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Dating Advice from Real Live College Guy Ethan DeAbreu!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

Molloy’s Real Live College Guy Ethan DeAbreu answers your questions on dating, guys and even marriage!


We sat down with Ethan around two weeks ago and asked him a couple of questions that you guys had submitted to us anonymously. I’d say we got some really satisfying answers ladies!


Anon: What is the difference between a date and a hang out?

Ethan: “It really has to do with the formality of the situation. A lot of the times it could be a friend and you’re just going to hang out, but sometimes that’s usually like an indication of whether or not they wanna date you. Asking someone out for lunch may not be a date but if it’s like ‘Hey I’d like to ask you out for dinner tonight, and this is my treat’ then that’s a date. It’s usually a lot more direct.”

Anon: What makes something progress into a relationship after a hookup rather than just dying out?

Ethan: “It stems from personality. I like girls that are a lot deeper than a lot of the people you’d meet these days. An obsession with social media, and posting provocative pictures of themselves for attention is something I don’t prefer. I tend to like quiet girls, who are okay just being themselves, and having a sense of humor and confidence. Strong women, they scare boys but excite men.”

Anon: What makes a girl “clingy’?

Ethan: “What makes a girl clingy prior to a relationship is if she’s texting you every 5 minutes and gets upset when you don’t reply fast enough. I could be studying, or working, there are priorities and responsibilites. With a girlfriend, now this is a more delicate area. Yea, you want to pay attention to her all the time, but it’s just that we have other things we need to take care of, like a final will take precedent over hanging out with your S.O for the day. Also sometimes we want to hang out with just the guys.”

Anon: Do you feel Tinder or meeting for the first time in person is better?

Ethan: “Personally I would prefer to meet a girl in real life as opposed to an app. In real life there are no lies, people can make their lives a lot more interesting online, write up some fake bio. In real life you know what you’re getting into. Also if you’re looking for a relationship, the place to do that is definetely not on Tinder. It kind of has a different set of standards to begin with, it’s for more of a casual kind of meeting, alot of guys interpret it that way. If you want a quality relationship, you know… you can run into really interesting people in your everyday lives. You just have to take a little bit of time, step out of your comfort zone and get to know them”

Anon: Do guys talk about girls just as much as girls talk about guys?

Ethan: “Guys do talk about their relationships pretty often. The circumstances do play a little role in it, you won’t talk about it with anybody, it’s more with close friends. It’s not little things, if it’s built up you know – ’cause we always try to deal with our own problems. Because when you talk about your relationship with other people you can get really bad advice.”

Anon: What is the difference between friendly and flirty?

Ethan: “Flirting is a little different, it’s more of how often they talk to you. If the guy is texting you all day wanting to see how you are and trying to learn more about that’s a lot more flirty than ‘hey lets meet in Public Sqaure’. Also the amount of emoji’s they use, the winky face is usually a clear indicator, and also little compliments throughout the day.” 

Anon: How do guys feel when girls ask about marriage?

Ethan: “It’s a delicate topic, you dont want to scare them, not even jokingly. Sure it’s a conversation that could come up in a relationship, but definetely not too soon… one year I don’t think is enough. Maybe in a few years when you’re mature enough, not in school anymore and have a job and are a part of the real world. It’s a scary thing and you shouldn’t rush that conversation, it’ll come naturally I feel, if it’s right.”


Come back in two weeks time, for some dating advice from a brand new Real Live College Guy!

Ethan DeAbreu

Twitter: @EthanDeAbreu

Instagram: @ethandeabreu