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Dating Advice from Real Live College Guy: Brian McGovern!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

You asked, we answered!

Anon:Why is masculinity such an important part of being a guy?

Brian: “I think masculinity being important to a guy comes from society and how we were raised. We grew up looking at our dads, and seeing men on tv as being this ‘macho guy’ with the ‘I can do it myself’ attitude. We feel that that’s how we have to act to be looked at as a man. Which I don’t believe is true. It’s okay to share your feelings and have emotions, it doesn’t make you any less of a man.”

Anon: How do you buy presents for a significant other? Do you buy presents before someone is your significant other?

Brian: “The best way to buy your boyfriend a gift is to just listen to what he’s interested in. Also if there is something he wants and talks about a lot, it doesn’t have to be crazy, but if there is something you know he’s really into and you get something from that and give it to him, it’s a great gift.”

Buying a gift for someone if they’re not your significant other is completely up to you. If you guys have a close relationship and you feel that you want to give a gift, then go for it. Don’t feel obligated. The only downside is, the other person might not think the way you do. So don’t feel down if they don’t get you something in return.”

Anon: If a guy doesn’t reply back to your text messages, does that mean he is not interested in you?

Brian: “It may not mean that he’s not interested in you. He could possibly just be busy, college is a very stressful time in life. The papers, studying and then trying to balance a job with that can very easily distract you. He may just be focused on something else at the time. Other times, like me, I’ll get a text while I’m doing something, and then completely forget that I got a text.”

Anon: What is your best cheesy pick-up line?

Brian:“Oh man, cheesy pick up lines. I don’t really have one, but I saw one that was pretty good – ‘on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9 and I’m the 1 you need.'” 

Anon: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Brian: “I’m definetely 100% a dog person. I feel like cats eat your food, live in your house, and do nothing. Dogs will play, protect your house and even make you feel better emotionally. Plus they’re a hell of a lot cuter.”


Submit your anonymous questions for Brian and our three other Real Live College Guys, right here.

& keep an eye out to have your questions answered in the following weeks!

Instagram: @bri_gov
