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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.


Name: Afsha Malik

Major: Criminal Justice with a minor in Spanish

Year: 2019

Hometown: Alberston, New-York

What do you do on campus? “I am one of the freshman class presidents, so I am greatly involved in student life here at Molloy College. I am part of the woman’s bowling team. I am also a member of the American Red Cross Association and one of the team ambassadors of Relay for Life. I also work for the phonathon here on campus to help encourage alumni with their donations; they are what provide for the growth and prosperity Molloy College.”

What is your motivation for becoming a freshman class president? “Well, college is about starting fresh and discovering yourself. So, coming into Molloy, I wanted to jump at every opportunity I could to get involved. And when I received the email, (and yes I do read all my emails) about the student government interest meeting, I thought, “Why not, at least I can say I tried.” And from there it’s history. I got elected, and it’s the best choice I have made so far here at Molloy!”

Define bowling in 3 words: “Outlet, Bonding, Fun”

When did you start bowling? “As absurd as it sounds , bowling is another one of the opportunities I blindly jumped at. I have only one bowled recreationally and have never played on a league. So it’s an interesting experience and I am excited for what it takes me.”

What made you come to Molloy for bowling? “Well, I did not actually  come to Molloy for bowling. I came to Molloy in general because I heard so much about the warm and friendly community, and knew that I wanted to be part of that.”

Do you play any others sports? “I played badminton, ran track, and did a little bit of basketball in the past.”

Do you consider yourself more a team or an individual player? “I am more a team player because I believe that even if you are playing an individual sport, such as badminton, you need your teammates by your side cheering you on. That makes a huge difference. The team has to have a good dynamic in order for the individual player to be successful. It’s all a chain reaction.”

What is your best bowling memory? “I don’t have many, but there’s only one that popped in my head immediately after reading this. Our first game at Kutztown, Pennsylvania, I am the first in the line up, which means I bowl first. Eighteen teams must have been there. So, I go to walk up and bowl, first girl out of everyone to start because I was just following Coach’s orders. I get up hoping that I’m going to knock all the pins down and before I can ever get the ball down the alley, it slips out of my fingers and flies backwards. I am probably the first girl in history to do that. It’s probably th funniest and most embarassing moment I have so far. But, I look back at it, and I can’t help laughing because it’s apart of growing as an individual and a bowler.”

Who are your bowling idols? “I am still very new to bowling, so I don’t know of the famous bowling idols, but in time I’m sure I’ll have a couple!”

What’s the best advice someone has given you? “This has to be from Bob at orientation. I don’t remember it word for word, but he said something along the lines of: “you make these next four years what you want it to be.” Something as simple as that inspired me. I am in control of every choice I make, and it’s up to me to decide how the turn out will be.”

What is your guilty pleasure? “To be totally honest, my guilty pleasure is food. I love my mom’s cooking and deserts. You can never go wrong with those two.”

What can we find you doing when you’re not on campus or bowling? “I’ll probably be watching the latest episode of Empire, hanging out with friends, finding new music, or just on my phone.”

Do you have any hidden talents? “Well, as of right now, they’re hidden from me too!”


Snapchat: afshamalik1

Instagram: @malik_afsha


My name is Tatiana. I am an international student coming from Paris, France and majoring in accounting at Molloy College in Long Island New York. I am also captain of the Molloy women tennis team. In order to enhance my international experience, I have decided to write for Her Campus Molloy in order to be more involved in the campus life, develop my writing skills and just because I really like writing and especially if it is contributing to women empowerment which is a cause I really care about.