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Campus Celebrity: East Coast Conference Player of the Year Tracey Balinskas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

Meet Tracey Balinskas, a junior Childhood and Special Education major and softball player at Molloy College. Tracey was recently awarded the coveted title of East Coast Conference Player of the Year; we interviewed Tracey to find out more about her success.

What position are you on the softball team?

“I am a pitcher/utility, which means I pitch and when I’m not pitching, I play left field.”

How did you feel when you won East Coast Conference Player of the Year?

“I was honestly really shocked because I didn’t even believe I was even in the running for such a big award like that. Needless to say, I am very honored and happy to have received this award and to represent Molloy in the ECC.”

What do you attribute to your success?

“Hard work and the will to not give up even when there are bad days is what counts in the end. It’s my team that really pushes each and everyone to work harder and get better than they were before.”

Do you have any good luck rituals or good luck charms?

“I’m a pretty superstitious person when it comes to game days. I always have a bow in my hair whenever I play. This year me, along with some other girls on the team, ate Cliff granola bars before and during each game because we believe that it made us hit home runs.”

What is your favorite memory from playing softball at Molloy?

“My favorite memory from playing softball definitely has to be my freshman year and making it to the College World Series. The journey of getting there and the feeling of actually being there and the festivities that go along with being at the World Series with the best teams in the nation is a feeling I will never forget.”

What are your goals for next year?

“I have really high goals for the team next year. It’ll be my senior year so the ultimate goal is to get back to the College World Series to get that amazing feeling again, but it starts with winning the East Coast Conference Championship. I want my teammates to experience what I felt during their time here at Molloy.”

Toni Martini is an Elementary Education major in her senior year at Molloy College. She is the Co-Editor-in-Chief in her college's media organization and has a passion for writing. When she isn't running around to events with her camera, she can be found drinking copious cups of coffee with her friends and is always carrying a smile in her obnoxiously tiny purse. Toni is feverishly passionate about representing Molloy College with Her Campus and is overly excited every time her staff has a meeting.  Her goals are to bring happiness to others with her writing and eat chocolate on every continent.