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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

The average couple spends between $90 and $200 on Valentine’s day. This is largely due to the fact that restaurants tend to charge more due to the holiday, and there is pressure to do grander, more romantic things than the average evening of Netflix and takeout. Here are a few dates that are hundreds of dollars worth of romance, but all cost less than ten!

Free (or free-ish) Museums

Long Island and New York City are full of museums, many of which are free, and all of which are a great place to learn something new with your bae. Museums are ideal for first dates because they provide an icebreaker for if the conversation gets slow, as well as a shared experience to bond over. It’s also really romantic to be around beautiful historical artifacts and works of art. Here are some local free or donation-only museums: Rock Hall Restoration, Nassau County Museum of Art  (minimum $4 donation for students), Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim.

Volunteer to Walk Dogs at a Shelter

Due to overcrowding, dogs in shelters are often walked either very rarely or not at all. If you and your boo are dog people, call your local animal shelter. They’re probably very happy to have you help out, and what’s more fun than spending time with a cute person and a cute pup?

Make a Fort and Start a Series Together

Working on any kind of project together can be helpful for bonding within a couple, and something easy and creative like a pillow fort is a great way to do that. Grab some chairs, pillows, blankets and (if you’re feeling Pinterest-y) string lights and build your own Netflix nest. Once you’re in there, try a new series together! It’s a shared experience to talk about, and a great way to pursue shared interests.

Get Dressed Up and Attend a Comminuty Theater Show

Just about every town has at least one community theater troupe, so it’s easy to find at least one that’s actively performing, and tickets tend to be very inexpensive. This is a date that combines the fun of dressing to the nines and seeing a show with the good deed of supporting community organizations. 

Attend a Protest or Rally

 If you’re looking to be a maker of history, do it along with your bae! You’ll bond over the fact that you share a strong opinion, and by doing something you’re both passionate about in such a significant way, you’re doing something that you’ll remember better than going out to dinner or to the movies.

Explore a New Town

Think of it as a mini road trip. You can leave in the morning, drive for a few hours, and explore in a place neither of you have been to. This could mean travelling 15 miles or a hundred. You and the bae can set little goals for your trip, like going to five new coffee shops, or seeing three free museums. It only costs as much as you want to spend, and going to new, cool places can mean great photos of the two of you.

IKEA (No, Really.)

Although most people associate IKEA with headaches and D.I.Y furniture disasters, it can also be the perfect place for a date. It’s completely free to window shop, and very inexpensive to eat there. What’s especially romantic about roaming in a whimsically decorated chain housewares store is that you and your significant other can use the visual example of model houses and demonstration rooms to plan how you might decorate your home together. IKEA also sells candy and stuffed animals that make for unique Valentine’s day gifts (Guys: this is a hint).

Go to a Coffee House Open Mic Night

Nothing in the world says romance the way that music does. That and the chill, indie vibe of a coffee shop make for an easy, entertaining evening that costs nothing more than a cup of coffee. Musical couples can even use the opportunity to perform together in front of a relatively small crowd. Some open mic events might even have dancing, if and the idea of dancing with your significant other to accoustic music while the air smells like coffee doesn’t make you want to go right now, you and I are very different people.

Visit a National Park

Looking to catch a beautiful sunset, or just some gorgeous scenery? Try one of Long Island’s scenic state parks, like Connetquot State Park, Caumsett State Park, or Caleb Smith State Park. Entrance fees are only $8 for unlimited access to all of the nature and hiking trails Long Island has to offer.

Attend an Athletic Event at your School

Most school sporting events are either free or nearly free to attend, including those at Molloy! For those interested in sports, seeing a game at school is a few hours of entertainment, and it’s an opportunity for cute, school spirited couple pics.

Mary Corbett is just a swarm of bees in a trench coat trying to do life and tell as many bad jokes as possible.
Katherine (Katt) is a senior studying Business Management and Philosophy at Molloy. She's an officer for Phi Sigma Tau and an active member of Sigma Beta Delta. She's a staunch advocate for the commuter life, has studied abroad in France, Sweden, Japan, and Spain, and spent two spring breaks in New Orleans building homes for those affected by Hurricane Katrina. She's an intern for a local non-profit, works part-time at a chocolate factory, and volunteers teaching English to new Americans! She is looking forward to contributing a lot during Molloy's first full year of having a HerCampus Chapter, and will [hopefully] be able to impart some quasi-wisdom on the underclassmen before graduating. Outside of school, she loves traveling, reading, writing, spending time with family, friends, and her boyfriend, and being outdoors.