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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.


(March 21-April 19)

Aries, darling, it’s okay to take a step back, refresh your mind and take some time to rejuvenate yourself. You have been on the move constantly lately and it’s time to set aside some time to yourself. This will help you straighten out your thoughts and regain your mental state that has started to drift with the cold moving in. Careful of your actions during retrograde, Aries, your need to be the best of the best or it will come back to haunt you in the coming season. Know what you are doing, saying, and thinking. It will help you in the long run.



(April 20-May 20)

This season is beneficial to you, Taurus. You have been looking for an opportunity to spread your wings, do something new, or start a new chapter in your life. Register for that class, publish that book or go that extra mile in any aspect of your life. The time to that it now! Take advantage of this season to come out of your shell and do what you want to do, be who you want to be. You won’t regret it.



(May 21-June 20)

Your mind is a mess. You have been busy, Gemini, and while getting things done is good, you have worn yourself out in the process. With this season, you may feel timid to ask for that raise or extra time off, but I am telling you, Gemini, take the risk. You deserve to be rewarded for all your hard work lately and it should not go unrecognized. Taking a break from the everyday hassle will not only benefit you physically but mentally as well. Don’t forget those self-care days, darling.



(June 21-July 22)

Oh, sweet Cancer, take time to organize your thoughts this season before making any rash decisions. Old and new faces will come into your life again in the coming weeks. Make sure you know what you want out of life before committing once again. Thorough thoughts are better than rash decisions. Your future self will thank you for weighing the pros and cons before opening yourself to new and old folk. Protect your heart before giving it back to someone who has already broken it.



(July 23-August 22)

Check yourself this week, Leo. Emotions are running high and while sometimes that is fine, now is not the time to be dramatic. Control your thoughts and feelings. Relax, take a nice bath and then reflect on what you are going through. What conflicts you, Leo? Clear your head and let in a new perspective. Retrograde will test you in more ways than one emotionally this season and it is best to handle it sooner rather than later.



(August 23-September 22)

Take a real look at what you have done, Virgo. While you put on this mask to hide behind by being vocal and standing out, it is okay to be quiet and reflect on your choices. Now is not the time to start up old habits but rather to try new things that will benefit you this season and in the long run. You are going to be okay, darling, take this time to yourself and reassure your friends who are afraid or your quietness lately.



(September 23-October 22nd)

With the new season in full swing, it is time to open yourself up and be ready for when opportunity strikes. A new deal is set for you in the coming weeks, Libra. Best prepare while you can, and be open for when new prospects come into focus. Your energy is stable, and your mind is well set, get ready for a wave of new beginnings, no matter how big or how small, they will change your life for the better.



(October 23-November 21)

Keep an eye out for new conversations. You never know what you might find when you put yourself outside the box and talk to new people. Your drive (intellectually and sexually) is heightened this month, try something new or do something you have always wanted to, you won’t regret it and the universe is on your side. This season is yours, Scorpio and you are a force to be reckoned with.



(November 22-December 21)

Retrograde will give you the chance to reflect on those you have lost…and bury them. Reflect and let go, Sagittarius. The past has gone, and you need this to move on with yourself. There is minor financial instability coming and it is best to start now with money ritual. Place a copper penny at the bottom (in the soil) of a thriving plant and place that plant in an area where you feel the best energy in your home. Do not stress, dear, ease will come in due time.



(December 22-January 19)

Desire is strong this season, Capricorn. Indulge in activities you have not visited for a while. You heart is looking for that passion and now is the time to answer the call you have put on hold for so long.  Engage yourself this season, try something new, try something old. Take a moment to listen to your heart and not your head, do what you please and do it with no regrets. This season is beneficiary, don’t let it go to waste.



(January 20-February 18)

You do not have to put up a façade, Aquarius. Meditation is your best friend this month, take the time to balance yourself, get in touch with your inner self to regain the strong person that you are. Take a breath and remain calm. Times are tough, but you always get through them, darling. You will receive the gratitude you deserve not only by those around you, but you will thank yourself as well.



(February 19-March 20)

Say what you want to say. Don’t let others bring you down or be afraid for speaking your mind. You are powerful, Pisces, show the world who you are and what you are made of. Retrograde will make it easy to assert yourself in otherwise tough situations. Your ambition and confidence will impact those around you, benefitting you in the future. 


Hello! My name is Molly and I am the current Senior Editor for Her Campus @ MSNU and have been a part of the organization since the Spring of 2019! My major is Anthropology with a triple minor in Ethics, philosophy, and Humanities and will be graduating in the Spring of 2022 after studying abroad in Aberdeen, Scotland this Fall 2021. You can usually find me reading and drinking tea in my favorite chair or spending quality time with friends and my pets - a sweet Golden Retriever named Elijah and a cute kitty named Paris Kisses. My articles focus mainly on self-care, wellness, astrology, life-style, and some personal insight as well.
I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.