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Studying Tips for Those Who Hate it

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

If you are anything like me, you do not like to study. I can never seem to focus on one thing and always get distracted by the TV, Facebook or Snapchat. Throughout the years I have learned a few tips to help me get through the tough hours of studying.

1. Take regular breaks. You don’t have to study non-stop for six hours straight. Take a five to ten minute break each hour to lower your stress level. You can go for a quick walk, take out your phone, or just relax and do nothing.

2. Give yourself enough time to study. Do not wait until the last minute to cram everything in your notes into your brain! This will cause more unneccessary stress.

3. Practice on old exams from the class. Professors usually have the same format for their tests, so looking back at olds ones will help you know what to study.

4. Be Positive. Always believe in yourself. Be positive that it will be a good day and you will make it through this exam you have been dreading. Your attitude has one of the biggest impacts of how you study, learn and take tests. If you tell yourself you can do it then you will be able to do it. Never doubt yourself!

All in all, some of us enjoy studying and some hate it. Others are great at studying and others don’t know where to start. No matter your preference on studying is, always believe in yourself and great things will happen.