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Staying Sane as a Senior in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Finals are just around the corner and graduation is sneaking up on us faster than we think. On top of freaking out about finals and graduation, you’re freaking out about what’s going to happen once you actually graduate, and that’s scary. For your whole life you’ve been getting up and going to school. But in a few short weeks that will no longer be your life. In a few short weeks you will be on your own, in the real world.

You’re finishing up your schooling and you’re trying to stay calm, cool and collected but inside you’re just trying to find your sanity. Here are a few ways you can stay sane as a senior.

Manage your time as best as you can. We all have those shows on Netflix that we want to be watching instead of studying but the shows aren’t going anywhere. Time is a precious thing and we only get so many hours of the day. Make a plan so that you can get things done in a timely fashion and maybe still have time to watch some Netflix.

Make a budget now so you’re more prepared after graduation. Budgets are hard to follow, I know I’ve struggled with them but they really can be helpful. Being able to make a budget and stick to it as much as possible is going to help you save money but it’s also rewarding to look back and see that you stuck to a plan. Working on it now will better prepare you for the real world. Sleep? What is sleep? I know as college students we don’t really know what sleep is anymore but it’s very beneficial. Sleep allows your body to take a break and recuperate from stress from work and classes. It allows your mind to relax and not be running 100 miles an hour. Taking breaks while studying helps you retain the information better than just powering through everything you need to get done. Reward yourself. When you get something done, take a break and watch Netflix or if you’re reading put small pieces of candy throughout your reading and you can eat them when you finish a section!

Making a plan or a to-do list will help with your anxiety and you won’t forget something you’re supposed to do. And if you’re like me, being able to cross something of my to-do list is not only relieving but an accomplishment in itself.

We’re always so busy and don’t usually have time to eat well with our crazy schedules but always eating out and having energy drinks usually does more harm than good. We drink caffeine to stay awake and get things done but too much caffeine can actually make you more tired, therefore defeating the purpose in the first place.

Often-times, daily exercise is the last thing on our minds when it’s the end of the semester but it can be a good way let off steam. You don’t even have to go to the gym to get exercise, go for a short walk or do some yoga. There’s some awesome YouTube videos for short at home yoga I would suggest trying!

Doing any of these can help you get rid of stress and help you cope with finals and graduation. The best thing you can do is find something that works for you to stay sane in your senior year. 

Wannabe World Traveler.Adventure Seeker.Minnesota Living.Lover of Sports.Avid Coffee Drinker.
Shaela Nelson (pronounced Shay-la), commonly referred to as Shae, is a Junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato, majoring in marketing and minoring in entrepreneurship. Shaela enjoys being a part of many organizations on campus, volunteering with animals and randomly busting out crazy dance moves. Being from the "Land of 10,000 Lakes," you can find her enjoying the lake-life while boating, at any given time of the summer - when she's not a nanny for her favorite kiddos. Shaela enjoys writing for Her Campus because it allows her to express herself and the many ideas she has. Life Motto: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you imagined." -Henry David Thoreau