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Ross Walker Smith ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Name: Ross Walker Smith

Hometown: North Oaks, Minnesota

Expected Graduation Year: 2017

Major/Minor: Mass Media/Marketing

Relationship Status: Taken

Sexual Orientation: Definitely into dudes

Age: 20

Her Campus: Why did you decide on coming to school at MNSU?

Ross Walker Smith: “To be honest I was following a guy…we all know how that turns out though. Didn’t end up with him. #NoRagrets.”

HC: When you’re not on campus, what are three activities that you may be doing?

RWS: “Making YouTube videos, eating as much unhealthy foods as I possibly can and attempting to work it off besides walking across campus (which unfortunately does not burn the major cals).”

HC: What is your secret obsession?

RWS: “Consuela from Family Guy. If someone asks me a question I don’t know, I get red faced and awkward and resort to saying “No, we need more lemon pledge.”

HC: What is your dream job?

RWS: “Being a YouTube personality because who wouldn’t want to get paid to make videos?”

HC: Where do you picture yourself five years from now?

RWS: “Being awaken by my future dog next to my boyfriend in a loft in Minneapolis then going to work at an awesome PR firm. (That’s being incredibly hopeful so we’ll see).”

HC: How do you like your coffee?

RWS: “As stereotypical white girl as it can be: The more sugar, the better.”

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

RWS: “Candice Swanepoel…if you don’t know who she is, look her up. TOTAL babe. I’d definitely go straight for her.”

HC: What activities are you involved with on campus?

RWS: “I’m in PRSSA and Expertise but the activity I’m most involved in is studying for sure ;).”

HC: What’s the theme song of your life?

RWS: “The theme song of Friends.

Because no matter who you are… I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU.”

HC: Is there anything interesting about you that not everyone knows?

RWS: “I was adopted from South Korea when I was three months old. My birth name was Hye Suk Kim, pronounced (Hi-Sook-Kim), it sounds like I Suck Him, which is awfully inappropriate and ironic at the same time.”

HC:  What is your biggest pet peeve?

RWS: “When someone chews food with their mouth open. The only thing that could make my ears bleed even more would be heavy metal music.”

HC: What’s your favorite restaurant?

RWS: “This is incredibly hard for me to answer because food is life, but currently it’s Afro Deli back home in Minneapolis. I’m planning my proposal to the chef so I can steal all the recipes.”

HC: What’s your favorite quote?

RWS: “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.”

-Elbert Hubbard

HC: Where do you want to travel to most in the world?

RWS: “Its so cliché but all over Europe. The culture, the architecture, the FOOD, oh my god. I’m going to stop before I write a dictionary of a list.“

HC: How do you feel about being chosen as the Campus Cutie?

RWS: “Too flattered. Ladies hit me up ;).”

Elise Pawlak is a double major in Creative Writing and Mass Media with double minor in Gender Women’s Studies and Nonprofit Leadership at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She is constantly running around campus with being the President of Society of Professional Journalists, Treasurer of Public Relations Student Society of America, Treasurer of Gender Women’s Studies club, the Communications chair for the Women of Action Committee, and the Public Relations intern for the MNSU Women’s Center. When she does have a free moment it is spent rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes and connecting with her spirit animal: The Bloody Mary. After she graduates in May of 2016 she plans to pursue a career in the world of writing… hopefully landing a job that will help her pay off her student loans before she starts collecting social security.