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The Mystery of Conspiracy Theories Isn’t so Scary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

In this world there are straightforward things, there are things that we question and want to know about, and there are things that are still unclear. I love conspiracy theories. I am one of those people who don’t take things with a grain of salt. If a new story comes out, I want to know more- I need to more. I think that is how I got into conspiracy theories, my need to know more and my wanting to get the truth when not everyone is giving it out.

I have always loved crime shows, I remember many Saturday mornings watching 48 Hours or Dateline with my mom. I was always hooked on the TV, wondering if I could become a detective and work on murder cases. Now this is not a story about how I chose my career path- I realized later on that I could not deal with dead bodies and that line of work. This is about conspiracy theories and how to look at them, or even get into them.

My freshman year of college was when I really got into them, and it was all thanks to the JonBenet Ramsey case. JonBenet Ramsey was a 6 year old pageant girl who was kidnapped on Christmas Eve and later found murdered in her home. 2016 marked the 20th anniversary of her death, and that is how I really heard about who she was, and what her story was. I was hooked to her story because just like with conspiracy theories, you don’t really know the truth; you just know bits and pieces. JonBenet’s murder left a lot of questions: no one really knew who killed her, even though many say it was her brother. This was the first big conspiracy theory that I got into.

There are a lot of theories that don’t make sense, or are just too unbelievable to be true, so if you want to get into conspiracy theories, do your research. You can watch a few YouTube videos explaining the different theories. Try taking what they are saying from a skeptical angle, and figuring out if what they are saying has some truth behind it.

Have fun with conspiracy theories, and don’t push yourself into liking them. If it is not for you, then find something else. If you want to try to find out about conspiracy theories, go to Shane Dawson’s YouTube. Yes, the man who interviewed Jake Paul and Jeffree Star does conspiracy theory videos, and they are so good that they ‘llmake you question things.

Conspiracy theories are not just about murder cases or if certain events were an inside job. There are some lighthearted theories that still make you think while not being so morbid or sad to think about. One I really like is the Mandela Effect. It is based on when a picture of a textbook was released and it said that Nelson Mandela died in prison decades ago, when in fact he just passed away in 2013.  The Mandela Effect focuses on alternate realities that we could be in. For instance, did you know it is actually the “Berenstain Bears”, not “Berenstein Bears”? In Star Wars, what do you think of when you think of the famous Darth Vader quote? Is it “Luke, I am your father?”. Well, you would be wrong, he actually says “No, I am your father?”. So, did we all have it wrong, or are we in an alternate universe? Honestly, there are many more Mandela Effects I could name off but that would take all day.

Conspiracy Theories are like brain teasers and are extra work on your brain. There are many of them coming out and some that have been around for decades. Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill JFK, or was it someone else, and why haven’t we heard anything about it? Usually, we would know more than what we do, but I will leave that up to you decide. I think it is exciting to question things and make you wonder what else is up. Is there a personalized FBI agent for each of us, just watching me type up this article? Are aliens out there, and if so, do they want us all dead or do they come in peace?

So get out there question things that don’t make sense just quite yet. Look at things that are confusing to you; is there another story? You are not the only one noticing weird things around you, so keep your mind racing and never stop seeking answers.





I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.
Hannah is a Junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato and one of the Campus Correspondents for the HC MNSU chapter. She is currently double majoring in Marketing and Business Management with a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.