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Everyone Needs Some Puppy Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

If you’re a college student and say you’re not stressed come finals week, you’re either a liar or the luckiest person in the world. The majority of college student’s experience nail biting, sleep deprivation, acne-inducing stress. Everyone copes in different ways. Some may start working out (if you do I applaud you), and some may put off responsibilities altogether (a strategy I wouldn’t suggest). While these may work for some people, a lot of others struggle to relieve any of the backbreaking pressure that comes along with college. The easiest solution to this is puppies. Simple right? Have you ever hung out with a puppy for five minutes and not smiled? I doubt it. They’re playful, they love you unconditionally, and come on, they’re just plain adorable. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed ask anyone with a puppy for some good old-fashioned play time. I swear by it and if you’re doubtful, here are some pictures as evidence:



Hello! I'm Abby and am a writer for Her Campus MNSU. I am in my third year here at Mankato and pursuing an accounting major. Outside of class, I play for the women's tennis team and enjoy going out with friends.