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Is College Just a Grown-Up Version of High School?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

When we leave high school we think that the petty bullshit will just automatically go away when we leave the door and go on to bigger things. Most of us find ourselves going to college and we think that we will get there and everyone will be mature, and you will have these grown-up friends and you won’t be this naive high schooler anymore. You get here and you meet this group of amazing people and suddenly it’s like it all clicks. You join clubs on campus and you start to notice a pattern everywhere you go, you notice the same types of people all over campus hanging out with the same type of people. You see the more diverse students who are involved with a lot of organizations and sports suddenly become the more popular kids. 

    So let’s be real for a second, everyone just came fresh outta high school and wanted a change, but since we are all out at around the same time we still have those high school tendencies. You see the groups that tend to all hang out with each other, or the cliques from high school, and while you have a couple of your close friends, like high school we radiate towards people who are the same as each other. There is also drama, I am sorry to say no matter where you go, or what you do drama will follow you. It is inevitable to have fights with people you barely know, at least in high school we knew the other people, but here it’s a whole new playing field. 

    I am a senior this year and when you throw students into the same area where they are stressed and tired, shti is about to go down and we go back to the only way we remember how to deal with stress, and that is high school. So in my three and a half years of school, I have to say that this is the grown-up version of high school, with a lot more alcohol. The only real difference is that for the first time students are on their own and alone in the world without their parents to tell them how to act or behave. I don’t think we mean to, but I know that I have experienced my fair share of drama from adults. I just think that we get put in this environment where we haven’t really grown up yet, and we have to learn how to grow and how to live on our own. So, I do believe that college is just a way more expensive version of high school, and that we are slowly learning and will get better, but I do not think that any of the petty bullshit that people put on you will ever go away.

I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.