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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.


If the debate is on whether you should have a dog or not in college, here are 5 reasons why you should!

1.      You always have someone to cuddle with.

Life can always get stressful, and even more so when you are in college. What better way to wallow than with your furry friend? You always have them around to cuddle with on your stressful days, and your not-so-stressful days. Having a dog to cuddle with can always cheer you up, even when you least expect it.

2.   They support everything you do.

Having a furry companion means you always have someone to talk to. That also means they can’t talk back to you. When you need to vent about school or talk to someone about your day, your dog will always be there to hear what you have to say and support you.

3.   You meet more people.

While meeting people can be somewhat easy during college, having a dog can make it even easier. Taking them to the dog park and on walks can easily bring another person’s attention to you and your pup. Starting a conversation comes automatically with the many questions that are asked between dog lovers. What breed? How old? Boy or girl? What’s their name? And of course, there is always an opportunity for comments about how cute your dog is!

4.   Their exercise gives you excuses for a break.

Taking your dog for a walk is never a bad thing. As college students, we sometimes find ourselves studying constantly, and what better way to take a break than to go for a walk? Get some fresh air and enjoy the time you have with your furry friend.

5.   You always have someone to come home to.

The best part of having a dog in college is always coming home to them. I can’t tell you enough how great it is to come home to a wagging tail and a smiling pup. Especially after a long or even a short day of classes. It’s nice knowing they will be excited to see you come home every day.

If you are still questioning whether or not to get a dog while in college, these 5 things can weigh out any negatives if you are a dog lover like myself.

My name is Nicole Hallman. I am a junior at MNSU and will be graduating in fall 2019. I'm majoring in mass media and minoring in communication studies. My hobbies consist of drinking coffee, traveling and cuddling with my dog Saul. 
Sammy is what you would call a Student Solider. She is in the Army and also a Senior at MNSU. Her major is Mass Media and her minor is Communication Studies. She is from Cottage Grove, MN and enjoys her weekends in the cities. She enjoys being the Her Campus MNSU Chapters Campus Correspondent and also Young Life. She wishes that fall season was year round, but living in Minnesota she will have deal with all the seasons it brings.