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Stella Raffle-Wax ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

This week’s cutie is the lady to watch. Her comical genius sketches and acting will leave you on the floor, frozen in the fetal position. During her most recent performance, as part of the Dead Rabbits Society, there was not one audience member who wasn’t crying from laughter. Want to learn more about this cutie? Read on for our Q and A with Stella Raffle-Wax. 

Tell us your name, age, year, and hometown.

Stella Raffle-Wax. 19. Sophomore. Brooklyn, NY.

How do you feel about being elected HCMMM’s Campus Cutie this week?

I feel truly honored to be riding the coat tails of former Campus Cutie and my BFF Shelby Solla. I’d like to thank my parents, for paying my tuition, and the campus security for finding my unlimited MetroCard after the bedbug incident.


BA Politics & Human Rights, with a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

Definitely the Regina Peruggi Room. I get to hang out there twice a week at Dead Rabbits Society rehearsals. Being able to turn such a formal space into one where I’m able to laugh at poop jokes and by funny is super amazing. Although… The 3rd floor library stacks in the back corner is a great place to have a good old-fashioned college breakdown.

Who is your celebrity crush?

I’m in love with Rachel McAdams in the sense that I would want to take her on a lovely date, walk her to her door, and kiss her goodnight, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I would take Harry Styles to pound town in a heartbeat.

If you could spend one day with your crush, what would you do?

We would start the day by having brunch in Chelsea, complete with many mimosas. We would then walk along the high line because I’m romantic AF. After, we would make our way to Brooklyn to see a movie at BAM. Then, I would invite them back to my place in a super cool and suave way. We’d make dinner together, stay up all night talking and watching the TV show we’re both bingeing on because we are SO IN SYNC. Eventually we will fall deeply and passionately in love, leading to a beautiful marriage and two children with a house in the Berkshires.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I’m totally and 100% an open book. If there’s something someone doesn’t know about me, it’s probably their fault.

On campus, where do you get your caffeine fix? Starbucks or the Cafe?

OMFG Starbucks; the Cafe coffee tastes like hot dirt that was left in the sun too long.

What is your go-to drink at that place?

I love me a caramel frap…

Best memory at MMC?

Definitely last year’s Dead Rabbits Christmas show. It was the same night as the midnight breakfast so the Regina was PACKED and it was such a good vibe. The sketches we did that night were so great, everyone was so supportive, and we all became way closer as a group afterwards.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?

In five years, I’d love to be out of NYC, hopefully somewhere on the West Coast. In ten years, I hope to be financially stable and be preparing for the TedTalk of a generation.

What advice do you have for freshman?

The bathroom in the Nugent Lounge is the best bathroom in all of Marymount. Take advantage of that god-sent place.


Class you’ve taken: Radical Women of Color in Feminism

Restaurant in NYC: Park Cafe in Park Slope (the best matzo ball soup ever all year round)

Movie: Wet Hot American Summer

Song: “Love Myself” by Academy Award nominee Hailee Stienfeld

Book: The Martian by Andy Weir

Snack: New York Style Sea Salt Bagel Crisps

Pick one!

Stay up late or wake up early? Stay up late FOR SURE waking up is the worst AM I RIGHT, LADIES??

Walk or subway? Walk

Concerts or Broadway Shows? Concerts

Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Ice Cream, specifically Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Anything else you want to add?

Thanks for letting me be Campus Cutie!!! This ego boost should last me through the rest of the semester. If you wanna follow me on the interwebz my insta is @stella.mp3 and my twitter is @stelllajo but really you should be following MMC’s #1 sketch comedy group, Dead Rabbits Society which is @deadrabbitssoc on both insta and twitter to find out when our next show will be!!!!!!!!!! Peace and love y’all, c u round skool!!!!!

Paige, originally from Nashville, TN, is currently a senior at Marymount Manhattan College majoring in Communication Arts with a minor in Journalism. Paige has held internships at two PR firms, Decider.com, MTV News, and has been a Contributing Writer for USA Today College. She is currently interning at Decider.com for a second time. Maroon 5, movie going, reading, cupcakes, Pinterest, and NYC are some of her favorite things. Contact her at paigegawley@hercampus.com or visit her website,www.paigegawley.com.