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Sarah Peterson, ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

Name: Sarah PetersonGraduation year: 2014Major/minor: Communication Arts major, Creative Media concentration; Gender & Sexuality Studies minor,Current city of residence: living in the Upper East.

What was your MMC experience like?Busy! But reflecting back, it was rarely stressful despite having a lot going on. Most likely because my work inside and outside of Marymount was always something I was eager to do. When you had coursework as awesome as Documentary Filmmaking, Women’s Magazines, Drugs and the Brain, it was hard to feel boggled down by school.    

What clubs/activities/internships were you involved in while at Marymount? Freshman year I was the marketing chair of RHC which consisted of putting glitter on posters and playing with construction paper. By sophomore year, I had applied to be a Peer Leader and continued with that position until I graduated which was an excellent way to stay connected with fellow students as well as the administration at school. As a junior I interned at a trailer production company where I got to screen movies before they were released and every so often gave feedback to editors on their cuts—very neat way to watch the editing process from start to finish. I also got to send a gift basket to Harvey Weinstein around Christmas time.

What is a favorite memory from your time at Marymount? Two come to mind. The first was getting my acceptance letter once I had applied to be a Peer Leader—that was a position I knew I wanted as soon as I got to Orientation, so getting the official doc felt like I had met a huge goal. The second would have to be at the end of senior year. Being in the Creative Media concentration required each of us to spend a year making a capstone project. Finally getting a chance to screen my film at the end of the year in front of so many friends and family, hearing them respond to my work—that was a great moment and the perfect bow to tie around my college experience.

What are you up to now?I currently work in web, testing applications and web pages built by developers. I also project manage the support side of things—so I get to interact with our clients on a daily basis when they need a helping hand with their site. It’s the perfect blend of socializing and learning about the tech world. I’m still a lover of film, attend festivals when I can, and support the underground film scene that flows in this city. In the post-grad life, I’ve watched some of the work I produced as a student go on to film festivals thanks to supportive and involved professors. And I’m also learning how to be an adult in the city. College life in Manhattan is awesome, and I was sad to say goodbye to that. But figuring out the big kid stuff to stay afloat and call New York City home alongside the friends I became so close with is a pretty awesome job, too.

What advice do you have for current or prospective Marymount students?I always felt I had a voice here. It’s very easy to put yourself in a position of leadership, so if you have things to say or want to make a difference, this is a perfect environment. Everyone has a little bit of a leader in them, I hope people branch out and find the niche that excites them.

Pick One!Ice cream or fro yo? Pinkberry.Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks? I’m not a coffee drinker.Stay up late or wake up early? Both!Concerts or Broadway shows? Tough call—Manhattan’s an excellent capitol for both.Walk or subway? Walk everywhere with headphones.Gossip Girl or Sex and the City? Sex and the City —nothing like New York in the late 90s.Met or Moma? MOMA—but you have to catch it on a good day.Central Park or Washington Square? I usually just hang on my rooftop to avoid crowds. Unless it’s the dead of winter—then, I prefer the park.

Jessica Norton, 22, Communication Arts major / Journalism minor at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City. Pop Writer at MTV News. Creator and host of YouTube show of Camera By Her Side. Former Editorial intern at Us Weekly magazine, Features Entertainment & Lifestyles Intern at Seventeen Magazine, Assistant Team Advisor at NSLC Journalism, Film, and Media Arts, and Alloy Entertainment Digital Intern. I love yoga, traveling, pop culture, froyo, the beach, boy bands, bright colors, and lemonade. @jessnort || @camerabyherside