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How To Make Everyday A Good Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.



Some mornings we all feel like we woke up on the wrong side of the bed and that the rest of the day is going to go downhill from there. It is easy to just give in to the feeling of being unhappy and letting yourself feel unhappy, but there is no need to do so. You are in control of how your day will play out. With a simple shift in the way you think in any situation, you can make every day a good day.

Even if you wake up already in a bad mood, take a moment to think of what makes you happy. Most people live incredibly fortunate lives, and we should have many people and things in our lives to be grateful for. In the morning I always try to remind myself of how grateful I am to be living the life I have and make an effort to minimize my negative thoughts. Kickstarting your day with positive thoughts will most likely lead you on the path to a happy day.

An easy way to quickly boost your mood is to smile. How easy is that! If you take at least 30 seconds in the morning to smile while you are getting ready or even smiling at yourself in the mirror, you will instantly feel happier.

Throughout the day, I try and do small things that I know will make me happy. If I’m feeling down, I might treat myself to a food that I like to eat or splurge in a drink from Starbucks. I carry around a journal that I write down quotes that inspire me, and throughout the day I either write down more quotes or read through the quotes I have already written down. No matter what you enjoy, everyone can find small parts of their day that can make them happy, even for a brief moment.

The part of my day that I can always count on for bringing me joy is at night when I sit down for five minutes and write down all of the things that I found meaningful about my day in my journal. I think it is important to reflect back on your day to see what went well, and how you can improve your attitude and actions for the next day. You can also always look back on “good days” to remind yourself how great your life is.

Everyone can make every day a good day. Some days might challenge you in keeping a good outlook more than others, but you can always find some joy in every day. Your day is what you make of it, so make each day your best.

I currently attend Marymount Manhattan College as a fourth-year senior where I am pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Dance with a double concentration in Choreography and Modern and a Bachelors of the Arts in Business with a concentration in Media & Arts Management. While at Marymount Manhattan College, I have choreographed new dance works for Dancers at Work and screenPLAY through the Dance Department. In my choreographic endeavors, I utilize an abstract, multidisciplinary method which reveals opportunities for further analysis, stimulates thought-provoking questions, and encourages societal change-making. I am interested in utilizing both my knowledge of Dance and Arts Management to create an interdisciplinary performance arts entity upon graduating from Marymount Manhattan College.
Campus Correspondent at HC MMM. Communications student in NYC.  Instagram: @sara.capucilli