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Christopher Wallace ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

Tell us your name, age, year, and hometown.

Christopher Wallace. 19 years old. I was born and raised in a suburb outside of Dallas, Texas.

How do you feel about being elected HCMMM’s profile this week?

I feel lucky to have been considered. It is always nice to hear that someone is interested in getting to know you. It’s easy to feel like you fly under the radar a lot of the time so it’s flattering to be picked out of a crowd.


I am a business major with a concentration in arts management, and a studio art minor.

What is your on campus involvement?

I’m not as involved as I wish I could be. In my year and a half at Marymount I have had 3 majors so I am familiar with a few different departments and there are always events and clubs I’d like to join but my schedules hardly allow it. In the future I want to get way more involved on campus.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

I love the lower level of the library. There is always someone to talk to and even if there isn’t I think it’s a huge social hub here at MMC. Thats where I see what everyone is wearing, who everyone is hanging out with, and it’s where I can congregate with all my friends even if they all don’t belong to the same groups.

Who is your celebrity crush?

It’s hard to narrow it down to just one. I’ve always had a huge thing for Will Smith. I think he is gorgeous and he can do funny and he can do drama. He’s pretty high on my list.

If you could spend one day with your crush, what would you do?

I would literally love to watch Lord Of The Rings with him and we would nerd out together and there would be copious amounts of food, and we would tell each other all the trivia we know about the movies and then take a walk to stretch our legs and wait till dark and see some christmas lights. Oh! And the Michael Buble christmas album would play in the background.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I was an elite gymnast for a really long time and I’m still pretty flexible? Im also fluent in sign language, that’s not something most people know I think.

On campus, where do you get your caffeine fix? Starbucks or the Cafe?

Starbucks all the way.

What is your go-to drink at that place?

Grande iced caramel macchiato is the only way I survive the day.

Best memory at MMC?

Living at the 55th street dorms was so fun. Literally all of your friends live in your building and you can just go up and down and see everyone. But to be specific it was friendsgiving in room 1702 first semester, freshman year. That was the best.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?

I just want to be doing what I love and making decent money doing it. I don’t know if I’ll still be in New York City but wherever it is that’s all I hope for.

What advice do you have for freshman?

Socialize! Your friends are going to keep you going and keep you sane. Try really hard not to procrastinate and really, truly take time to study for tests. I know its a lot to ask but don’t stress about the future too much. Your major, your future, your path will become clearer, so right now just keep that GPA up and soak up new york city. Your first year here will be the most magical so don’t waste a second of it.


Class you’ve taken:

Legal Environment Of Business. I got to learn about the basics of law and the court system and how to sue and all that. It sounds a little drab but it was so interesting.

Restaurant in NYC:

Every single dollar pizza joint. They are all a blessing.

Park in NYC:

Central. I know thats basic but really there is nothing like it.


The Wizard Of Oz


“Island in the Sun” by Weezer


The Dark Tower books by Stephen King


Pretzels and Hummus

Pick one!

Stay up late or wake up early?

Stay up late.

Walk or subway?

Depends? How far am I going? What’s the weather like? If walking is an option I will always choose that.

Concerts or Broadway Shows?

Broadway shows oh my god.

Ice cream or frozen yogurt?

Ice cream every time.

Gossip Girl or Sex and the City?

SEX AND THE CITY. No competition I am Carrie Bradshaw.


Anything else you want the Griffins to know?

Yes! Follow me on IG: @Christolphi and Twitter @Crrustopher. Trust me, I’m interesting.

Campus Correspondent at HC MMM. Communications student in NYC.  Instagram: @sara.capucilli