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12 Grey’s Anatomy Moments That Perfectly Explain College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

With dozens of doctors learning, drinking, and creating all kinds of scandal… Seattle Grace / Grey Sloan Memorial is basically just a big, bloody college campus with doctors whose experiences are not much different than that of a college student. 

When you’re trying to do some recon on your professor, but you come up empty.


When school clubs try to lure you to their events with promises of free food and then they don’t deliver.


When the professor puts you in groups for a project instead of letting you choose.


When someone reminds the professor that there was an assignment due and you didn’t do it.


And now you have to fess up to your professor.


When you discover the true meaning of all college sports games.


When you didn’t do any of the reading, but you answer a question right in class.


When you make friends in class by hating the same professor.


When you go to your professor’s office hours because you really need some guidance in all aspects of your life.


When it’s finally the weekend.


And when it all gets to be a little too much. Mostly around midterms and finals.


And, finally, when you come home after a long day and your roommates know exactly how to cheer you up.

Campus Correspondent at HC MMM. Communications student in NYC.  Instagram: @sara.capucilli